Palestine Portal is launched! Discover this exciting new resource for advocacy
Palestine Portal launched last week, and the word is spreading. As part of the launch, over the next 10 days we'll be sending several emails like this one alerting you to some of the features of this new resource. 

Scroll down to learn about 3 ways to support the launch.

Palestine portal is a resource for education and awareness, a tool for organizing and action,  a community and a news outlet,   and a virtual meeting place for our growing movement.

Palestine Portal connects 
us with one another in our denominations, our region, our country and across the global movement.   

Palestine Portal builds 
support for our campaigns.

Palestine Portal teaches
those who are new to the subject and provides advanced information and tools for those already involved. 

See Israel/Palestine: The Basics and all of the Learn & Teach section.
3 Ways to Support the Launch of Palestine Portal
and our  movement  for justice:
FORWARD this email to everyone:
church members, justice advocates, friends, and family!

DON'T FORGET your listservs!

our launch post on your page(s).

INVITE your Friends on FB to LIKE the Portal.
√ RETWEET our launch announcement!
The Portal's handle is: @palestineportal.
See what's happening on our social sites