A Reconciling in Christ synod

Presiding Bishop Easton- Message in Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

We are called to be a church that embraces each person and confronts racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, age, gender, familial, sexual orientation, physical and economic barriers that can manifest themselves in unjust treatment, inequalities, exclusion and violence. Do we always get it right? No, we don’t. As a denomination that must do better at being a neighbor – we have work to do.

Dr. King once said, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” When we hear and witness actions that intimidate, degrade, make fun of or cause harm and choose not to speak up, we are equally complicit in the action. Whether it is on a school playground, a water cooler conversation, in the halls of Congress or in a congregation, we are called to be the Samaritan. We are to show mercy and break our silence of all forms of violence including those that stereotype groups, demean people and discriminate.

Read full message
Global Church Sunday
February 12, 2017
Sunday Resources available on the RMS Website.
Liturgy, Prayers for Healing of the Nations

You are also encouraged to invite someone with Global Church experience to preach or present an adult forum. The  Global Church Speakers Bureau is in the works, we encourage you to contact someone in your area to join you on this or another Sunday.  

Do you have global church experience through ELCA Global Mission, YAGM, or another ministry?  
Help us expand our speakers bureau by joining the list!
RMS-ELCA News and Events
2017 Mission Support Intent
During Advent, congregations received a packet regarding 2016 and 2017 mission support. Bishop Gonia and the Rocky Mountain Synod Council express their deep gratitude for your partnership in ministry in 2016.  You are also asked to fill out your congregational intent form on the RMS website.

Your 2017 commitment will support the ministry we are called to do as the Rocky Mountain Synod to proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world. We are Christ's Church, Better Together!

If you prefer a hard copy of the intent form, please email Cheryl.
Annual Report Resources
What Would Luther Do Today? – Free Online Course
What Would Luther Do Today?
presented by ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Open January 16 – 30, 2017 

Marking the 500th year anniversary of Martin Luther’s historic reform work, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton is inviting the world to commemorate the life, legacy, and relevant teachings of reformer Martin Luther by taking a free, pre-recorded online class series.

In the class What Would Luther Do Today?students will learn more about Luther and make relevant connections that can lead to transformation. The class is a series of video lectures, quizzes, and discussions. No special software is required. The course will take an average learner about 45 minutes to complete, and learners are encouraged to interact in the online discussions. Registration is free and open to all. Go to to learn more and register today. Once registered, the course will be available free from January 16 – 30, and accessible after then for a modest fee.

For Your Bulletin
Bulletin Blurb

Are You Up for the ELCA World Hunger's 40 Days of Giving Challenge? 

The success of last year’s 40 Days of Giving campaign has given rise to version 2.0. All congregations are invited to join in the ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving through prayer, education and financial support. Together, our goal for 2017 is to raise $1.5 million during Lent. 

The resource packet has already arrived in church offices and homes of congregational hunger contacts. Special resources include the 2017 Lent devotional flip calendar, a Lenten Study and children’s resource for a multi-generational education series, and lots of ideas for setting goals and having fun reaching them!  

Now Hiring Sky Ranch Summer Staff!
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp is hiring for our 2017 summer staff! Positions available include counselors, off-site guides, kitchen staff, onsite & offsite coordinators, chaplain, and a creative arts coordinator. If you or someone you know is interested in spending a summer in the mountain sharing the love and grace of Christ with kids and adults please visit our  website  to learn more! If you have any questions please call the Sky Ranch office at 970-493-5258, or email  Jeff Fairfax   or  Hannah Anderson .  

Pastor Deb Cote
Prince of Peace, Gillette, WY
Saturday, January 21, 2:00 p.m.
Color of the Day: Green
Island of Palms, SC
Bishop Jim Gonia
RMS Prayer Cycle

January 2017
Metro West  Conference

Week of January 22

St. Andrew  Arvada, CO
Claire Cassell

St. John’s  Thornton, CO
Kari Reiquam

St. Stephen  Northglenn, CO
Tracy Hinkel

Calling Disciples
He, Qi 2001

Prayer of the Day: Sunday, January 22
Just as the fishermen Peter, Andrew, James and John dropped what they were doing in response to Jesus' invitation to follow and serve, we pray that we too are quick to follow, ready to learn and eager to serve as disciples of Christ.

Join us in daily prayer:
Download ELCA Prayer Ventures for daily prayer petitions and resources for Sunday prayers.

Around the Synod
Global Church Sunday Celebration!
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
4500 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, CO
Sunday, February 12

The Rocky Mountain Synod is celebrating Global Church  Sunday  and the Holy Cross Health Cabinet invites you to join in for our annual outreach fundraiser lunch at  12 noon  in Asel Hall. Pulled pork is on the menu.

The recipient of our free will offering will be a Global Health Ministry (GHM) project in southern Madagascar, the renovation of Ejeda hospital. Special guest for that day will be the Rev. Doug Cox, Minneapolis, executive director of GHM. He will preach at both services (8:15 and 10:45), conduct the adult education forum at 9:30, and also host a special Global Poverty Experience suitable for all ages following lunch from 1:30-3:00 p.m.

This will be a very special day! We hope you can make time to participate. Please RSVP to Mary Kvamme at 303-421-8392 by Feb. 5 if you plan to attend.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Open House and Dedication of Remodeled Worship Center
1800 21st. Ave., Greeley, CO
Sunday, January 29 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Join us in blessing our newly remodeled worship center! 
  • Worship Services
    8:15 and 10:40 a.m.
  • Faith Formation for all ages
    9:30 a.m.
  • Pot-Luck Lunch and Open House
    11:45-1:30 p.m.
(Bring a dish to share) table service and drinks provided.
Executive Office Manager (temporary, need ASAP!)
St. Paul's Lutheran and Roman Catholic Community of Faith needs a temporary (3 to 4 months) Executive Office Manager ASAP! Salary range is $14 to $20 per hour based on experience. Contact Penni for more information. 
Water is Life: Standing Rock and Beyond, with Joseph Medicine Robe
Sunday, January 22, 12:30 p.m.
What has been taking place at Standing Rock, North Dakota has brought millions of people across the United States and the world to stand in solidarity, including over 400 Indigenous Nations worldwide, thousands of Interfaith Clergy, teachers, farmers, veterans, Resolutions from numerous City Councils across the US, and people from all walks of life. Joseph Medicine Robe examines the awareness that has blossomed from the issues that have been raised from Standing Rock. This has special significance for Lutherans this year—both the Rocky Mountain Synod and the ELCA have taken action to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery, a legal principle by which the Christian Church in the 1400s justified the taking of native lands by Christians. 

For more information and event location, click here .
Prepare/Enrich Facilitator Training offered at Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village, CO
Friday, February 3, 2017
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Prepare/Enrich is the leading relationship inventory and skill building program used by clergy and counselors nationally and internationally. It is used in premarital counseling and marriage enrichment or marriage counseling. This training teaches proficiency in the Prepare/Enrich program and certifies Facilitators to administer the assessment, interpret reports, and give feedback using skill building exercises.

To register or for more information please contact Beth Walker at 720-352-9915, or email, or visit the Prepare/Enrich website.

"Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends" Seminar
Mondays, January 9 through March 13, 2017
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

The 10-week Rebuilding Seminar offers education and support for individuals experiencing a divorce or the loss of a love relationship. Beginning on January 9, 2017, the seminar will meet Monday evenings at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 9203 S University Blvd., Highlands Ranch, CO.

Complimentary child care provided with registration. For more information please contact Beth Walker at 720-352-9915 or send her an email
Wonderful Start for the New Year!
Desert Springs Lutheran Church in Truth or Consequences, NM welcomed eleven new members on January 15th! Our membership role doubled in size that morning! Father Peter Cacoperdo graciously accepted the adults into the church family and each one received a membership certificate. All in attendance shared a luncheon and became voting members at the following annual congregational meeting after the service.
Join the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM Advocacy Network!
The NM state legislature convened on January 17. Click here to join the LAM-NM Advocacy Network and receive Updates and Alerts. Or click here for more information.
New Mexico Youth Retreat
Friday, February 10 through Saturday, February 11
"The Amazing Race Borderlands: Season 3" 

Congregations in the Northern New Mexico and Border Conferences are invited to create teams of youth (and adult drivers) for an event like no other! If you are familiar with the popular tv show The Amazing Race then you have a little bit of an idea of what this event will entail. This year's event will be hosted by Peace Lutheran in Las Cruces and will include community building activities, food, fun, fellowship, worship, and, of course, a race like no other! Are you ready to RACE?

Registration will take place online (by congregation). Visit HERE for more information and a link to the registration page.

Contact Deacon Laura Carson, Border Conference Faith Formation Coordinator, for more information or call 575-522-7119 ext. 17.
We Must Pray for Christian Unity – Together!
The Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity, which begins on January 18, the Feast of St. Peter, and ends on January 25, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, invites the whole Christian community throughout the world to pray in communion with the prayer of Jesus: “that they all may be one” (John 17:21).

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to participate in the opportunities offered to promote understanding. As we pray with our fellow Christians, we renew our commitment to work for the unity Christ expects from his disciples.  The theme for 2017 Week of Prayer  is “Reconciliation–The Love of Christ Compels Us”  (2 Corinthians 5:14-20) 

All are welcome and encouraged to attend any of these events: 

  • Friday, January 20, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.- an Ecumenical Prayer Service with guest clergy and musicians at Our Lady of the Annunciation NE, 2621 Vermont, NE, Albuquerque, NM. Reception to follow. Please call 505-298-7553 for more information.
  • Sunday, January 22, 2017, at 3:00 p.m.- an Ecumenical Prayer and Worship Service at Holy Cross Church - Iglesia de Santa Cruz de la Cañada, Santa Cruz, NM. Fellowship and light refreshments to follow at4:30 pm in Marian Hall. Music will be provided by Frances Castellano and group. Please call Felice Gurule at 505-929-2955 or the parish at 505-753-3345 for more information.
  • Wednesday, January 25, 2017, at 6:00 p.m.- the Annual Taize Ecumenical Prayer Service at the Santuario. The service will take place in the Santo Niño Chapel on the Santuario grounds. Please call 505-689-2404 for more information.
  • Wednesday, January 25, at 6:30 p.m.- a Bilingual Ecumenical Prayer Service at Camino de Vida Presbyterian Church, 3907 Isleta Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 87105. Please call New Mexico Conference of Churches 505-243-6234.
Catholic-Lutheran Prayer Service at St. Luke Lutheran Church
St. Luke Lutheran Church
9100 Menaul Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 
Sunday, January 29 at 3:00 p.m.

Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop Jim Gonia and Archbishop John Wester of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will jointly preside at a service of Common Prayer to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation which occurs in 2017. The liturgy will highlight the agreements that have been reached through fifty years of dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans on topics such as the Church, Ministry and the Eucharist.  Members of local Lutheran and Catholic parishes also will share in leading the January 29 service. People of all faith traditions are welcome!

This will be the first of seven joint prayer services around the Rocky Mountain Synod in 2017.
2017 Bishop's Annual Legislative Luncheon & Issues Briefing
Santa Fe, NM
January 31, 2017
You are invited: The morning Issues Briefing will be at the United Church of Santa Fe at 1804 Arroyo Chamiso, near Christ Lutheran Church.  

Registration and refreshments will begin at 9:00 a.m. The Bishop's Legislative Luncheon will be at 12:30 p.m. in La Terraza at La Fonda Hotel (100 East San Francisco).

The cost of the luncheon is $35 per person. The cost is reduced to $30 when 4 or more people attend from your congregation or group. If you are only able to attend the morning Issues Briefing, the cost is $10.

Deadline for reservations is January 27. Please make reservations by calling the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM office at 505-984-8005 or sending an email
For additional information, visit the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM website.

Our Life Together
Accepting Applications for 2017-2018 Year of Service!
Service! Intentional Community! Simplicity! Spirituality! Urban Servant Corps is a year-long, full-time volunteer program affiliated with the ELCA, that allows for personal growth and professional development -- if you or someone you know are asking, "what's next?!" this could be the answer you were looking for!

Urban Servant Corps volunteers live in intentional community with other full time volunteers and serve at a non-profit organization providing direct service. Food, housing, health insurance, a monthly stipend and an annual "growth and development" allotment are provided. Are you dedicated to social justice and a simpler way of life? Do you hope to explore your faith? Do you want to gain experience in the non-profit/service field? Come to Urban Servant Corps! Contact Krista for more information, and   Apply at the Urban Servant Corps website . Priority deadline is March 1. 
Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization
December Issue of Views Now Available

In December, the RMSWO Views December newsletter was incorrectly posted at the RMS website (the April issue was linked). If you tried to download it, please try again; the error has been fixed. Enjoy the articles and sorry for the delay. The next issue will be ready by the end of January. Share with your pastor and others in your congregation! 

The corrected link is here and at the RMSWO webpage. Or you may email Anna Thompson.

Youth Application for Youth Discipleship Team Reformation Road Trip
Due February 15
To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the Youth Discipleship Team (YDT) is going on a summer road trip, stopping in eight different cities across the five states of the Rocky Mountain Synod. The trip will take place July 9 through July 16. In each city, we will include an evening program with interactive activities, a ministry fair, a local excursion, a meal, and worship. Our goal is to is to network the youth of the RMS, to grow a great connection with our Lutheran Roots, and to embody the YDT mission of "Youth empowering youth to be world shakers: Accompany, Grow, Love."

Want to join in on the fun?! YDT is currently accepting applications for youth participants from across the RMS to join the trip. While spots are limited, our hope is to have individuals from every conference as part of the experience. More information can be found on the Youth Application, by email to YDT, or by contacting Pastor Paul Judson, YDT Advisor.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Council Resources

Writing Minutes Like a Pro!

Do your hands cramp up at the thought of recording meeting minutes? When you’re writing out your notes, use some of these tips to take effective minutes with confidence at each and every meeting! Read more.

Managing Internal Control Weaknesses

Many ministries have questions about internal controls and how to effectively address and prevent vulnerabilities. Being willing to consider these issues is an important first step in addressing any weaknesses. Read more.

Employment Opportunities
Non-rostered positions available

ELCA Regional Gift Planner
Rocky Mountain Synod

Executive Office Manager (temporary)
Saint Paul Community of Faith - Denver, CO

Director of Faith Formation
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church - Louisville, CO

Parish Nurse
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO

Trinity Lutheran Church - Boulder, CO 

Youth Leader
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Littleton, CO

Church Organist/Accompanist 
King of Kings Lutheran Church - Pueblo, CO

Chancel Choir Director
King of Kings Lutheran Church - Pueblo, CO

Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
  • New Mexico Conference of Churches Retreat
  • Installation, Pastor Deb Cote, Prince of Peace, Gillette, WY
  • Grace and Our Saviors, Casper, WY
Pastor Kent Mueller
  • Candidacy meetings
  • Lutheran Center Administration
  • Mount Calvary, Colorado Springs, CO

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM

  • Legislative session
  • NM Conference of Catholic Bishops Breakfast
  • NM Conference of Churches Judicatory Leaders Retreat
  • All Saints Lutheran Church

Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO

  • Legislative Session
  • CSLC Executive Meeting
  • UC-Boulder Campus Ministry
Pastor Judith VanOsdol

  • Episcopal Diocese re: Latino Worshiping Community West Denver
  • Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Denver
  • New Beginnings Prison Ministry
  • Camino de Vida, ABQ, Board Meeting
  • Developers/ Redevelopers Evaluations
  • Fiscal Agency Administrative work for Mission Sites
Deacon Erin Power
  • RMS Communications
  • Synod Assembly Planning
  • UC-Boulder Campus Ministry

    Pastor Sarah Moening

    • Atonement, Lakewood, CO
    • Trinity, Hobbs, NM

    Andy Sprain

    • Rainbow Trail Board Meeting
    • FF Conference Coordinators
    • First Third of Life Team
    Quick Links
    Share the News
    Erin Power   Assistant to the Bishop
    Rocky Mountain Synod
    800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744

    Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.