Maury Loontjens Memorial Library
Have you seen this message when you went to download an eBook or audio lately?  
" As of January 9, 2017, a PIN will be required to sign in. If you use the 'Remember' feature to save your library card, your library card number will be saved, but you will need to enter your PIN. If you use the OverDrive account to sign in, you will have to re-link your library card to your account by entering your PIN one time beginning on January 9."

If you aren't sure if you have a pin, you can check by going to the OSL catalog and clicking on "Login in to your Account"

  Put your library card number in using all the numbers and no spaces in the space for library card number. Leave the PIN space blank and hit submit.  If you have never had a pin, you will get a screen that looks like this:
Type in a new PIN, then retype for verification and hit submit. We suggest using the last 4 digits of your phone number. Then you are all set.

However, if you get a screen that looks like this:
 This means that you do already have a PIN associated with your account. Please come into the library with an ID and staff will be help reset the PIN.  Staff is not able to set PINs over the phone. If you have an email, you can reset your PIN by clicking on the “Forgot PIN” link on the bottom of the page and follow the prompts in the email that is provided or you can come to the library to reset your pin.
Maury Loontjens Memorial Library
 Narragansett, RI 02882