Arubas long battle with the overpopulation of dogs and cats has a new ally. Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, a 23-year GHA CHARTER MEMBER, has teamed up with island veterinarians to help reduce the number of homeless dogs and cats in Aruba, and to make responsible pet ownership a reality. Introducing Love me. Sterilize me., this community outreach program makes much needed spay and neutering surgeries possible for island (crioyo) dogs and cats, with generous subsidies in part from Bucuti.
Why Should a Resort Care About Pet Overpopulation? At Bucuti, sustainability is all-encompassing and far-reaching, even off property. The resort cherishes being a caring community member. In doing so, it means taking on island issues where it can lend a helping hand even if it doesnt necessarily affect the resort property.
Bucuti is so proud of its island home that it encourages guests to go off property and explore Aruba. So, its not uncommon for guests to have island dogs come up to them while visiting various landmarks. The homeless dogs are quiet, sweet and docile; however, they are suffering from starvation or are in need of medical care. Due to the overpopulation of unwanted pets, many end up in the islands Kill Cage to be euthanized. Bucuti and its guests find that this is no way to share the world with four-legged companions, and are committed to helping the island community.
Providing a Solution: The only long-term solution to the problem is to reduce the population and to have responsible pet ownership. Love me. Sterilize me. makes sterilization more affordable by significantly reducing the price of surgery for pet owners and organizations caring for homeless animals. In decreasing the animal population with an ongoing subsidy program, there will be many fewer dogs and cats that cannot be cared for which suffer agonizing, unfair existences. The program was launched last January, and so far 3,200 animals have been registered, and 2,100 surgeries have been completeda huge success!
How It Works: Love me. Sterilize me. is intentionally simple. The program is accessible to every pet owner and homeless animal organization on Aruba so that a major impact can be made to curtail the cat and crioyo dog population. Interested pet owners and organizations can go to stimamisterilisami.com to register each pet and receive the special rate on the dedicated website. Theyll be provided with a registration number, and can then make an appointment at the veterinary clinic of their choice. All island veterinarians are participating at fees from $14 for a male cat to $56 for a female dog. The veterinarian charges them a nominal fee for the surgery and invoices Bucuti for the balance. In addition, Bucuti is also donating microchips that can be implanted in dogs during the operation.
Guests are not actively participating in this particular initiative, rather they are aware of the resorts outreach and support the cause. Bucuti guests have many opportunities to be supportive of the resorts sustainability efforts. Specifically referring to animals, guests may join Bucutis associates for monthly beach clean-ups that help protect the environment and the marine life, particularly the endangered Leatherback sea turtles that journey ashore annually to nest.
Making the Commitment: As the founder and sponsor of Love me. Sterilize me., Bucuti has committed to the program for at least two years. The resort is a longstanding supporter of better living initiatives and has long had a pet adoption program to help visiting guests and employees with the cost of adopting homeless dogs. That alone cannot correct the dog and cat overpopulation issue. This new sterilization campaign will aid in a long-term solution to the island issue and ultimately ensure that every pet has a family to love them.
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Aruba's Dog and Cat Overpopulation
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, a 23-year CHARTER MEMBER, has teamed up with island veterinarians to help reduce the number of homeless dogs and cats in Aruba, and to make responsible pet ownership a reality.