Angel Service
Sunday 15 January
Cost:  Donation

Angel Service is run from my home in Bothasig.

Informal and friendly Angel Service

Welcome to stay for tea/coffee and biscuits after service

Please Note
The purpose of the Angel Service is to help people connect and heal with the angels.

To do this, the Angel Service format includes angel stories, prayers, addressed,
hands on spiritual healing, music, angel readings and angel messages.
The Angel Service is designed to create a loving and tender space where you feel safe and can heal.

The format also establishes a set of guidelines to keep the spirit of the group spiritually and angelically focused.

Dear angels, we invite you to participate in this Angel Service. 
We ask for the presence of the angels and the archangels,
including Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael.
So what do we do at an Angel Service?

Although services vary slightly between the many different spiritualist church organisations, on the whole an Angel Service is very similar to a service at any Christian based church, although we may or may not refer to God or Jesus.

Our Angel Service often may or may not contain:
  • Hymns or Music - Mostly churches sing traditional hymns.
  • A Reading - The Speaker/s will read a short passage from a thought provoking text.
  • Discussion - Open discussion on the reading we just heard
  • Healing Thoughts - A quiet time for you to send out loving/healing thoughts to those in need of healing. Healing thoughts are sent out to the names written within the book.  We have a Archangel Raphael Healing Book.
  • Quiet Time - Allows inner reflection for a brief time.
  • Prayers:  Churches mostly say prayers
  • Meditation:  Guided meditation where you connect with your own Guardian Angel
  • Celebration:  All special occasions are celebrated in your life - birthday, anniversary, birth etc
You will find all sorts of people in the congregation of an Angel Service, young and old, it is very cheerful full of laughter. All ages and creeds are welcome.
1H Vryburger Avenue
Literally next door to KFC/Shoprite Centre
021-558-5913 | 082-637-7416 | EMAIL | WEBSITE

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