January 4,

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Visit the NSAM website.
National Stalking Awareness Month
January is National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM) and the Stalking Resource Center (SRC) of the National Center for Victims of Crime has continued its partnership with the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) to bring resources and general awareness to the public about this important issue via their website dedicated to NSAM. This year marks the 14 th  annual observance (PDF) of NSAM, which began in response to murdered stalking victim Peggy Klinke.
A working definition of stalking isa course of conduct, or pattern of behavior, directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. In the United States, 7.5 million people are stalked each year and the majority of victims are stalked by someone they know. Approximately half
of all victims of stalking indicated that they were stalked before the age of 25.
The SRC and OVW National Stalking Awareness Month website contains downloadable resources to help educational institutions, organizations, and other interested groups promote NSAM. These resources include a social media messaging calendar (PDF), shareable graphics, web banners, posters, sample public service announcements, and more. In addition, visitors can take an online stalking quiz, complete an  online course on the use of technology to stalk, or watch Stalking: Real Fear, Real Crime.
Law enforcement and campus safety officials can find specific resources available such as:
  For additional resources on stalking, please visit:
  • Stalking Resource Center: The National Center for Victims of Crime partnered with OVW to create the SRC in 2000. Since then, the SRC has trained over 100,000 professionals who work with victims and have provided technical assistance to hundreds of communities seeking to enhance their response to stalking. The SRC's Helpful Links section has national, state, tribal, online, and other resources easily accessible.
  • Office on Violence Against Women: The stalking subsection from the OVW contains information for victims, prosecutors, law enforcement, advocates, judges, and community correction officers.
  • Safe Horizon: A non-profit victim services agency in the United States that provides tips for victims including tech safety, access to community programs, and a crime victims hotline.

Learn more about the scholarship opportunity.
2017 Novak Institute for Hazing Prevention Scholarship Opportunity
Successfully preventing hazing requires a multi-faceted effort that is tailored to individual college and university campuses. The  Novak Institute for Hazing Prevention uniquely tackles the problem of hazing with a four-day, in-person, interactive training. Teams and individual campus professionals and students will learn:  
  • A strategic, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary approach that focuses on preventing hazing rather than just responding to incidents.
  • How to engage in community change that is specific to each institution and circumstance.
  • How to create a hazing prevention program with a framework based on proven principles that are grounded in research. 
Alpha Gamma Delta, an international women's fraternity, seeks to provide 2017 Novak Institute tuition and travel costs for two college or university delegations comprised of 4-6 delegates who represent an interdisciplinary cross-section of campus professionals, administrators, students, and faculty. Eligible applicants must be available to attend the Novak Institute, June 7-10, 2017 at Georgia Tech.
Campuses may learn more about and apply for this scholarship opportunity or register for the 2017 Novak Institute. Scholarship applications will be accepted until February 5, 2017.

Access our online calendar of events.
Professional Development Opportunities

Title: Turning The Case Upside Down - Rethinking the Art and Science of Suspect Interviews
Organization: Battered Women's Justice Project
Date: January 12, 2017 at 3:00PM ET
Location: Online
Fee: Free
Title: De-escalation Strategies for Persons with Mental Illness or Behavioral Disorders in Crisis
Organization: Upper Midwest Community Policing Institute
Date: January 19, 2017
Location: Buffalo, MN
Fee: Free
Title: Basic Threat Assessment & Threat Management Training
Organization: SIGMA Threat Management Associates
Date: January 25, 2017
Location: Alexandria, VA
Fee: Registration fee

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Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigation and Adjudication Institute
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This project was supported by Grant No. 2013-MU-BX-K011 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the US Department of Justice.
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