"Come Be with Us, as We Dance with You..." Sharyl Noday
Live Trance Channeling with Beings of Light &Love
   "Siria Family" from the Brightest Star in our Sky, Sirius
Witness channel Sharyl Noday 
go into a trance   as non-physical teachers from Sirius speak through her!    
For a time of  Growth, Love and Laughter, a channeling that many say is Out of this World!
Siria Family enters our world with loud vibrational tones, which is profoundly healing.
When they begin to speak, their message comes from reading the collective group energy, to be followed by questions from the audience.
Siria Family's purpose in communicating with us is about personal growth and discovering what may lay deep within the subconscious, thereby assisting in profound healing.  You are met with absolute love! The Open Forums are not intended to be private sessions, b ut instead to inspire imagination and desire to take a deep look at how we create life! Life is but a Dream and we Create it All!   Ask whatever questions are desired about your life, Soul's growth, etc. The Open Forums are beautiful in that everyone gets a chance to see, feel and experience how Siria Family answers and works with others. What one person may not ask,  another will. 
   During our time together, Siria Family weaves a unique, powerful meditation that is always original and found to be quite healing and shifting of energies.
These Channeling's are always so much FUN, LIVELY and LOVING
experience a wonderful spiritual healing with Sharyl and Siria Family! If there is anything you want to change and improve in your life, any "stuck" places, this is the event that can do it for you energetically.  

Witnessing Sharyl channeling is truly  something to behold; this is real trance work. The end of the session is a meditation led by Siria Family. It is powerful; you will have a shift. These beings love to heal, and that is their purpose in coming. You can trust Sharyl and Siria Family.  
Sharyl Noday is certified as an active Full Trance Channel and Channeling Teacher. She has over 30 years of study in metaphysics, multi-dimensional consciousness and paranormal investigation.