December 24 & 25, 2016
Merry Christmas!
Children's Formation | Katie Bryant
Merry Christmas! Nursery will be available during the  6pm  mass on Christmas Eve from  5-8pm .  We've hired extra sitters to take good care of the growing numbers of infants and toddlers in our parish.  Please be sure to sign your little ones in and include contact info so our sitters can reach you if needed.  
This Sunday  we will have only one mass at  10am .  Christmas is a wonderful time for families to sit together in the pews.  There will be no nursery or Catechesis  on Sunday  morning, but children of all ages are welcome to join their parents in the nave, with the narthex available for those who want a little more space.  Look for activity bags and extra coloring sheets in the narthex.


St.Tim's Overflow Shelter has been open almost a month. We have had as many as 16 guests at a time, and our volunteers have been amazing!  The holidays are a difficult time to be homeless--if you happen to see homeless friends out and about and want to do something--buy them a cup of coffee, offer them handwarmers, tell them about our shelters.  All Overflow Shelter guests, men & women, check-in each evening at 7pm at 633 W.4th Street (directly across from Foothills Brewery downtown).  Please direct anyone you talk who needs shelter to that location at 7pm (the doors are not open before 6:30pm).  Lea Thullbery & her volunteers are there each night and will make sure they find a warm place to rest.  Our shelter will be open every single night Dec.1-March 31. We need your help!  Volunteer sign-ups are live at  St.Tim's shares the load with partner organizations who cover three nights a week.  Please sign up to volunteer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays so our partner groups can sign-up volunteers on their given nights. 

Check out the Angel Tree in the downstairs hallway. There are a few red tags on the tree for the children at Anthony's Plot.  Take a red tag, buy a gift ($20 or less), wrap the gift and return it to the Angel Tree with the tag attached by January 4th.   Instead of losing sleep over what gifts to buy your family--honor them by supporting our neighbors in need.

Youth Formation | Katie Harper
Youth Formation Sunday mornings is based on the lectionary readings.  There are two separate classes for Middle and High School Students in Drake Hall on  Sunday  mornings - and yes, the doughnut tradition carries on! Middle School will be in the youth room, High School in the classroom. Our continuing mission is to create a safe space for students to find what it means to be followers of Christ. 
As move toward the celebration of our Lord's birth, rejoice by giving a gift that cannot appear under the Christmas tree - help us fill all volunteer spots for the 12 days of Christmas. From  December 25  to  January 6  we need: 6  overnights,  4 dinners, and  4 check ins. Click here to sign up.

Out of town for the Christmas season? Make sure to keep Christmas in your heart all the year and sign up any time - we are open until  March 31

Our Lady of Walsingham Lamp
is given to the glory of God
and in honor of our mothers
by Shannon Hurley and Graham Green.

St Timothy Shrine Lamp
is given to the Glory of God and in honor of Christin Barnhardt, Robert Matthews, Raymond Hawkins, and all the choirs of St. Timothy’s
by Jimmy & Beckie McLean.

The flowers for the altars
 are given to the Glory of Almighty God.



Sanctuary Lamp
is given to the glory of God

and in thanksgiving for Katie Bryant and the Overflow Shelter for the month of December by Kelly Hines.