Thank You

For Your Generosity

We have one thing to say to you and it is Thank You!
Thank you for registering for Adult Rec Soccer.  It will be great to see so many returning players and new faces participating.  This year we received $1125 in donations directly from your group of players when registering and we are very appreciative of these donations. We hope you have a good time on the pitch this fall and look forward to seeing you each week. 

Teams and schedules will be posted by 8/29 and shirts will be handed out at the first game. Be sure to visit the Adult Rec Website to view them at that time.
Please remember that your registration receipt contained a notation of your donation and that Penn Legacy/Hempfield Soccer Club is a 501(c3) and your donation may be tax deductible.
Your generous donation has led to:
  1. Ability for 13 Futures Players in Need to Participate this Fall
  2. Loads of smiles from happy children!

 Academy Festival Pic


Thank you Donors!

Nathan Altland
Robert Biddle
Paul  Boronow
Brandon Brophy
Jon Buesking
Scott Cantrell
William Carter
George Claxton
Jose Cruz
Jason Denlinger
chris Emich
Dan Fisher
John Grandrimo
Edin Hamzic
Jon Hartman
Greg Henkel
Brian Hetsko
Chris Hookway
Don Korenkiewicz
Donny Lombardi
Christopher Maddox
Joel Marsden
Jeremy Martini
Scott May
kent meldrum
Paul Metzger
Francis Oscilowski
Jeremy Quinn
Marcus Schroeder
Edward Schwartz
Michael Shea
Derek Shultz
Mark Simmons
mike sturla
Clayton Suydam
DaWit Teklai
Christian Tryon
Justin Ulis