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by Paul Mattessich
Executive Director
Has the War on Poverty succeeded or failed? January of 2014 marked the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson's "declaration of war" against poverty. As Johnson put it, "Our aim is not only to relieve the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it." During the first half of this year, some columnists and pundits have questioned whether we have won this war or lost it.

Arguments contending the war has failed:
  • When the War on Poverty began, the national poverty rate stood at 19%. It now stands at about 15%. A four percentage point decline does not constitute "victory."
  • Many Americans, both those living below the poverty line, plus...
June 2014
Central Corridor Updates
The Green Line is coming on June 14, but are we ready? Researcher Jane Tigan highlights 7 facts about the Central Corridor project and its impact on surrounding neighborhoods.

To learn more, check out these two reports:

Big Picture Project
A plan developed to create and preserve affordable housing along the Central Corridor. This report tracks key indicators of progress. 

Central Corridor Funders Collaborative
Data to inform the impacts of the Central Corridor light rail transit line on the regional economy and adjacent neighborhoods.
Supportive Housing
Patrick Troska, executive director at the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota, looks at what's working and what needs work with supportive housing in our state. 

To learn more, check out our new report: Supportive Housing Outcomes in Minnesota.
Homeless Children and Families
According to the latest report from the 2012 homeless study, more than 3,500 children in Minnesota are homeless on any given night, and half are age 5 and younger. The statewide homeless study is conducted every three years to better understand the causes and circumstances of homelessness in our state. Check out the report
New From Minnesota Compass
Each week, our researchers at Minnesota Compass spotlight interesting nuggets of data as they update the website. Find the latest trends on the home ownership gap, older adults with disabilities, homeless children, and air quality in the Twin Cities region, and much more.
Staff News
A big WELCOME to our newest researcher, Matthew Steele. Matthew will be working on various projects with different teams at Wilder Research. One of his primary projects will be assisting with an updated edition of Wilder's Collaboration: What Makes It Work publication. Matthew will also work on other projects relating to youth at risk for homelessness as well as evaluations of supportive housing, higher-education collaboration, and substance abuse prevention. Welcome Matthew!
Congratulations to Jackie Campeau, our wonderful administrative specialist, on reaching a very impressive milestone with the volunteer group at her church. The St. Philip's Disaster Relief Team in Fridley recently completed their 50th service trip and has put in over 20,000 volunteer hours over eight years. The team provides disaster relief for victims of natural disasters all across the country. On their most recent trip, the team spent five days in New Jersey rebuilding seven different homes after damage from Hurricane Sandy. Way to go, Jackie!
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