Protect Health Coverage for Arizonans
Have you contacted our lawmakers yet? Please do so now!
Congress is moving to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as soon as possible - with no assurance that people in Arizona will have protections for pre-existing conditions or access to affordable health insurance. This would leave people with mental illness, children, seniors and many others at risk!
PLEASE do your part and reach out to Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake TODAY. Ask them to vote NO on repealing the ACA until there is a replacement plan that will allow for our friends, family and other Arizonans obtain the health coverage they need.
Here are a few talking points. Ac cording to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
  •  709,000 fewer people in Arizona would have health insurance in 2019 if the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is repealed
  •  Arizona would lose $42.1 billion in federal funding and pay more in uncompensated care costs
  •  The loss of coverage for the Medicaid expansion population would be devastating for many of the people we serve with mental illness and substance use disorders

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