Jan / Feb 2017 Newsletter


Basketweaving Essentials DVD

There is no end to beauty for the person who is aware.  Even the cracks between the sidewalk contain geometric patterns of amazing beauty.
Matthew Fox

Dear Readers,

Wishing my readers and their families a joyful and healthy 2017.  May this year also bring new discoveries and fresh and innovative ways of creative expression.

My local guild, the Misti Washington Gourd and Basket Guild, is offering its 13th Gourd and Basket Weekend in the Gardens May 6 & 7, 2017. The conference location is the beautiful San Diego Botanical Gardens. I will be offering a Beginning Pine Needle Basketry class on May 6, and an Intermediate class on May 7 where I will individualize my instruction to each student's interest such as sculptural work, fancy stitches, putting beads between coils, mastering shaping and much more.  There is a great line-up of classes being offered by teachers from across the nation. Check here for full registration information.

There are two spots still open for my January 7 home workshop if you're ready to learn how to make a basket, or want to learn more advanced techniques. Cost $55. To enroll contact me at [email protected] or (760) 944-9369. Materials optional $37. 

I will also be teaching from June 4-10, 2017 at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts.  In this week-long class students will learn an amazing amount of techniques!!! I will individualize my instruction to each student's skill and interest. The 2017 Summer schedule isn't on their website yet, but their website should be updated soon. 

From October 20-22, 2017 I will be teaching a 3-day workshop at the Pacific Northwest Art School in beautiful Coupeville, Washington. Click here for class details and registration. 



Clutter can contribute to bone loss? A far-fetched idea until you realize clutter can lead to elevated cortisol levels, and those elevated levels deplete bones.

A few years ago I wrote about how artists vary in their approach to art studios - some like having a tidy space, while other artists prefer an abundance of materials scattered about for inspiration.  It's interesting how artists can thrive in either environment. Personally I need an orderly studio with all my supplies organized, shipping supplies hidden from view, beads sorted by color, plant fibers put in pretty storage boxes.  For me it creates a tranquil environment conducive to relaxation and creativity. Otherwise I keep hopping up to put yet another item in its proper place or out of sight.   
In an art magazine I read an article about artist studios. There was one photo of an artist tightly wedged in a corner of her art studio surrounded by massive piles of "stuff" with no room to navigate. I had an immediate sense of claustrophia! Then I looked at an image of Sara Lamb's studio and immediately felt a sense of tranquility and calm. Everything was shelved, color-organized and clear workspace. . . aaaaaaaah, my type of studio!

Then I received an online newsletter that addresses ways to improve bone density and overall health and it was addressing clutter and how it can create bone loss because of stress and the resulting elevated cortisol levels.   Who knew?!  I thought her article was worth passing along since many people are continually fighting clutter, whether in their homes, cars, office, or dedicated creative space. 

Here's excerpts from her article.......   

In today's busy world, it can be tough to keep up with all the "stuff" that seems to bombard our everyday lives: junk mail, paperwork, impulsive purchases, and various things we accumulate. But getting a handle on clutter can help strengthen and rejuvenate your bones, and here's why:

Mess, disorganization, and clutter actually increase stress, and stress has an acidifying effect on the body. Clutter causes stress in various ways.  How many times have you stopped and looked at the clutter surrounding your work or living areas and spent time fretting over it? Maybe you're wondering how you'll ever get out from under so much stuff. Clutter takes up a great deal of mental and physical space.  
In addition, clutter is distracting to your senses, causing constant visual, physical, and sometimes olfactory stimulation without relief. Your brain is constantly processing the clutter even if you think you've "tuned it out." This rapidly becomes mentally exhausting, affecting your cognitive sharpness and destroying your focus.

In order to really relax, your brain needs to be at rest. Clutter keeps it stimulated and serves as a stressful reminder that your work never seems to get done.

Too much clutter means little open space, and you need space to be creative and productive. When you're surrounded by mess, things get lost in the chaos and you can't keep your thoughts on track.

What To Do About It

De-cluttering is not necessarily a light task, especially because it bombards your senses. Clutter can seem very overwhelming, but here are some ideas to help you get started.

First, choose an area to clean out, as small or large as you like. It may be a corner in your living room, an area in your closet, a table top, or a section of your kitchen counter or art studio. Just choose one, and set a time and date to work on it. You may have to set several times and dates, because it may not be the sort of thing you can do in one session. And that's okay.

Another idea is to choose several items a day to put away or get rid of. It can be one item a day or ten; whatever is workable for you. The clutter will seem to clean itself over time.

Having the right equipment also helps. Get bins, drawers, boxes, or whatever organizational system fits your space and your needs. And then use them!

Last but not least, don't be afraid to let go of items. Your local thrift store, second-hand store, or consignment shop are excellent places to unload your extra stuff...just don't let sentiment get the better of you. If it's in the way and you're not using it, it needs to go. Plus, you'll be helping others.

If you'd like to receive their newsletters, here's the website http://saveourbones.com/start-here/
Simply click on the blue button that says "Click Here - It's Free" and enter your name and email.  The newsletters contain a variety of information all surrounding the issue of increasing bone density and include simple exercises.

I want to thank my readers for all the wonderful feedback you've given me on my three basketweaving instructional DVD's.  I would like to ask if you could help spread the word by mentioning your experience/opinion with your gourd or basket guilds, Facebook pages and other media and on www.amazon.com
where they are sold.  I would really appreciate it!  A huge thank you to anyone who helps spread the word.


Tradition and Innovation in Basketry IX 2017 sponsored by the National Basketry Organization
Location:  University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington 
Dates: July 18 to 23, 2017


In this introductory class students will start a pine needle basket around a polished stone cabochon. The swirling stitch is taught with a unique method that lines up stitches on both sides of the basket, making the vessel attractive on the inside as well as the outside. Students also learn how to shape their basket and how to taper down and finish the final coil. The coiling method can later be used to weave other plant materials including sweetgrass, palm inflorescence and leaves from a wide variety of common plants. Repeat students are invited to attend to learn more advanced techniques as time permits.
Feb 4
The Art Lounge on 101  
10 am - 4 pm
Feb 11
Golden West Community College   


The home workshops are kept small to provide a generous amount of individual instruction tailored to each student's skill level and interest such as: Learning how to coil a basket, or for more experienced students, shaping of vessels, novel starts such as walnut slices or other objects with holes, beaded centers, fancy stitches (wheat stitch, diamond stitch, fern stitch, inserting beads between coils using the mariposa stitch) handles, teneriffe, lidded vessels, sculptural techniques, and much more!

Both beginning and experienced basket weavers are welcome. Show 'n Share is a fun part of the workshop, so please bring any baskets you've made to share with the group.

Since enrollment is kept small, early registration is recommended. Email Nadine [email protected] to verify there's an opening, then send a check with a note specifying which class date you want to attend. Students are welcome to bring their own materials (pine needles must be washed and dried) or a started basket; supplies are always available for purchase in class.

Classes at Nadine's home
Encinitas, CA
To enroll (760) 944-9369

January 7
February 18
March 18
April 1
10 am - 4 pm $55.00
Basket Kits (optional) $37.00


Wuertz Gourd Farm's 14 th Annual Running of the Gourds Festival
February 10-12, 2017
Classes, vendors, artists, mini-gourdster races (that sounds fun!) and lots of other activities - See the website for full information
Casa Grande, Arizona

Garden Tapestries at San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas
January 14, 2017 - March 31, 2017
Daily 9 am - 5 pm  Ecke Building
The garden-themed tapestries from the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Centre in Egypt will be on display at a prominent public garden, the San Diego Botanic Garden located in Encinitas. The Egyptian artists vividly celebrate the flowers of the desert, villages and Nile River in their work    


Through November 1, 2018
Native American Voices: The People Here and Now
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology www.penn.museum/sites/nativeamericanvoices

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