Lesson 228
Vision Cannot See the Body
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65 The body cannot be looked upon except through judgment. To see the body is the sign that you lack vision and have denied the means the Holy Spirit offers you to serve His purpose. How can a holy relationship achieve its purpose through the means of sin? Judgment you taught yourself; vision is learned from Him Who would undo your teaching. His vision cannot see the body because it cannot look on sin. And thus it leads you to reality. Your holy brother, sight of whom is your release, is no illusion. Attempt to see him not in darkness, for your imaginings about him will seem real there. You closed your eyes to shut him out. Such was your purpose, and while this purpose seems to have any meaning, the means for its attainment will be evaluated as worth the seeing, and so you will not see. 

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What is Forgiveness
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   Forgiveness recognizes what you thought
   your brother did to you has not occurred.
   It does not pardon sins, and make them real.
   It sees there was no sin. And in this view
   are all your sins forgiven. What is sin
   except a false idea of God's Son?
   Forgiveness merely sees its falsity,
   and therefore lets it go. What then is free
   to take its place is now the Will of God.
   An unforgiving thought is one which makes
   a judgment that it will not raise to doubt,
   although it is untrue. The mind is closed,
   and will not be released. The thought protects
   projection, tightening its chains, so that
   distortions are more veiled and more obscure;
   less easily accessible to doubt,
   and further kept from reason. What can come
   between a fixed projection and the aim
   that it has chosen as its needed goal?
   An unforgiving thought does many things.
   In frantic action it pursues its goal,
   twisting and overturning what it sees
   as interfering with its chosen path.
   Distortion is its purpose, and the means
   by which it would accomplish it as well.
   It sets about its furious attempts
   to smash reality without concern
   for anything that would appear to pose
   a contradiction to its point of view.
   Forgiveness, on the other hand, is still
   and quietly does nothing. It offends
   no aspect of reality, nor seeks
   to twist it to appearance that it likes.
   It merely looks and waits and judges not.
   He who would not forgive must judge, for he
   must justify his failure to forgive.
   But he who would forgive himself must learn
   to welcome truth exactly as it is.
   Do nothing, then, and let forgiveness show
   you what to do through Him Who is your Guide,
   your Saviour and Defender, strong in hope
   and certain of your ultimate success.
   He has forgiven you already, for
   such is His function, given Him by God.
   Now must you share His function, and forgive
   whom He has saved, whose sinlessness He sees,
   and whom He honors as the Son of God. "

      ~ Original Handscript of ACIM September 21, 1970

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SonShip Workbook
L e s s o n 228
God has condemned me not.
No more do I.

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   My Father knows my holiness. Shall I
   deny His knowledge, and believe in what
   that knowledge makes impossible? Shall I
   accept as true what He proclaims as false?
   Or should I take His Word for what I am
   since He is my Creator, and the One
   Who knows the true condition of His Son?
     Father, I was mistaken in myself
    because I failed to realize the Source
    from Which I came. I have not left that Source
    to enter in a body and to die.
    My holiness remains a part of me,
    as I am part of You. And my mistakes
    about myself are dreams. I let them go
    today. And I stand ready to receive
    Your Word alone for what I really am.

~ Original Handscript of ACIM

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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 
ACIM Edmonton, CA
God has condemned me not. No more do I.

Sarah's Commentary:  
God knows our holiness, yet we question it. We live in denial of the truth about ourselves, and now we need to make a decision. Who is right---God or me? There can only be one reality. Is God's knowledge about us the truth, or do we accept as true what He proclaims as false, which is this body and world? In Lesson 186.6, we read, "Arrogance makes an image of yourself that is not real. It is this image which quails and retreats in terror, as the Voice for God assures you that you have the strength, the wisdom and the holiness to go beyond all images. You are not weak, as is the image of yourself. You are not ignorant and helpless. Sin can not tarnish the truth in you, and misery can come not near the holy home of God." (W.186.6.1-5)
What does this mean? It means calling ourselves humble sinners is an arrogant thought. Believing our own description of ourselves is arrogant. Feeling unworthy, ashamed, and distressed is all part of this made-up image we have come to believe is the truth about ourselves. We are not weak. We are made in the image of God. God knows the truth about us. We do not. The observations we make about ourselves are false. God reassures us of the truth, but we are afraid to hear it. "And as He speaks, the image trembles and seeks to attack the threat it does not know, sensing its basis crumble." (W.186.7.2)
What are we asked to do in the face of this? "Let it go." (W.186.7.3) As we read in Chapter 31, "I do not know the thing I am, and therefore do not know what I am doing, where I am, or how to look upon the world or on myself." (T.31.V.17.7) (ACIM OE T.31.V.60) To us, this is a terrifying thought. Yet when we think we do know and maintain that we are right about the self we think we are, we make our purpose one of distortion, where we hold onto this image and listen to its thoughts, instead of the Thought of God. To start, we have to admit, we don't know. All of our perceptions are wrong. We need to have the willingness to question everything we think we know and every value and belief we hold and bring our false thoughts and beliefs to awareness without judging ourselves for our perceptions. Judgment is always of the ego. Jesus looks with us at everything we have made, but he has no judgment and declares what we are thinking is false. We can be glad we are wrong about everything.
Why is this important? Jesus tells us again in Lesson 186, "Salvation of the world depends on you, and not upon this little pile of dust." (W.186.7.4) Our function is to release the little self and accept our magnitude. The only way to peace is to look to the Self and not to the "little pile of dust" for answers. When we focus on our self-made roles, we are very unstable, shifting from grief to ecstatic bliss and from tears to laughter with a thousand shifting moods. Such instability is not who we are. Thank God!!
Today, let me be willing to "take His Word for what I am." (W.228.1.4) When the arguments arise in your mind that you are flawed in any way, be willing to let them go. Deny their power to affect you. "And my mistakes about myself are dreams. I let them go today." (W.228.2.4-5) We are not our stories. We are not the dream, but the dreamer. We are not what we tell ourselves we are. We do not deserve condemnation, nor does anyone else. When we attack, then the love that we are is blocked from our awareness, and we can no longer know the truth. God's Love is what we are. We have forgotten our Source. When judgmental thoughts arise, ask for help to forgive yourself for blocking the reality of your holiness.
When you are tempted to judge or attack today, to hold a grievance when you have thoughts of specialness and wanting to meet your needs at the expense of others, of manipulating, of comparing yourself, and of seeing your brothers as guilty, remember that if any of these thoughts are true, God is not. Both cannot be true. Either we are the One Self at one with our Creator with all of His attributes, or we are children of the ego. The thoughts we choose determine who we think we are. This is the decision we need to make with each unforgiving thought.
Today, we wait in silent expectation and in quiet readiness to receive His Word of what we are. God, I am willing to release my judgments of myself and accept your love. I am willing to take responsibility for all the guilt I project onto others and recognize that no one, including myself, is guilty. I have not left You to enter into a body and to die. Now, "I stand ready to receive Your Word alone for what I really am." (W.228.2.6) When all illusions are brought to truth, my mind is clear to hear God's Word assure me---I am His Son and have never left Him.  
Love and blessings, Sarah 
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A Course in Miracles
ACIM Original Edition
Chapter Twenty

The Promise of the Resurrection 
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Voice and Music by Martin Weber, CIMS SonShip Radio 
VIII. The Consistency of Means and End 

58 We have said much about discrepancies of means and end and how these must be brought in line before your holy relationship can bring you only joy. But we have also said the means to meet the Holy Spirit's goal will come from the same Source as does His purpose. Being so simple and direct, this course has nothing in it that is not consistent. The seeming inconsistencies or parts you find more difficult than others are merely indications of areas where means and end are still discrepant. And this produces great discomfort. This need not be. This course requires almost nothing of you. It is impossible to imagine one that asks so little or could offer more.
59 The period of discomfort that follows the sudden change in a relationship from sin to holiness should now be almost over. To the extent you still experience it, you are refusing to leave the means to Him Who changed the purpose. You recognize you want the goal. Are you not also willing to accept the means? If you are not, let us admit that you are inconsistent. A purpose is attained by means, and if you want a purpose, you must be willing to want the means as well. How can one be sincere and say, "I want this above all else, and yet I do not want to learn the means to get it"?
60 To obtain the goal, the Holy Spirit indeed asked little. He asks no more to give the means as well. The means are second to the goal. And when you hesitate, it is because the purpose frightens you, and not the means. Remember this, for otherwise you will make the error of believing the means are difficult. Yet how can they be difficult if they are merely given you? They guarantee the goal, and they are perfectly in line with it. Before we look at them a little closer, remember that if you think they are impossible, your wanting of the purpose has been shaken. For if a goal is possible to reach, the means to do so must be possible as well.
61 It is impossible to see your brother as sinless and yet to look upon him as a body. Is this not perfectly consistent with the goal of holiness? For holiness is merely the result of letting the effects of sin be lifted so what was always true is recognized. To see a sinless body is impossible, for holiness is positive, and the body is merely neutral. It is not sinful, but neither is it sinless. As nothing, which it is, the body cannot meaningfully be invested with attributes of Christ or of the ego. Either must be an error, for both would place the attributes where they cannot be. And both must be undone for purposes of truth.
62 The body is the means by which the ego tries to make the unholy relationship seem real. The unholy instant is the time of bodies. But the purpose here is sin. It cannot be attained but in illusion, and so the illusion of a brother as a body is quite in keeping with the purpose of unholiness. Because of this consistency, the means remain unquestioned while the end is cherished. Vision adapts to wish, for sight is always secondary to desire. And if you see the body, you have chosen judgment and not vision. For vision, like relationships, has no order. You either see or not.
63 Who sees a brother's body has laid a judgment on him and sees him not. He does not really see him as sinful; he does not see him at all. In the darkness of sin, he is invisible. He can but be imagined in the darkness, and it is here that the illusions you hold about him are not held up to his reality. Here are illusions and reality kept separated. Here are illusions never brought to truth and always hidden from it. And here in darkness is your brother's reality imagined as a body, in unholy relationships with other bodies, serving the cause of sin an instant before he dies.
64 There is indeed a difference between this vain imagining and vision. The difference lies not in them, but in their purpose. Both are but means, each one appropriate to the end for which it is employed. Neither can serve the purpose of the other, for each one is a choice of purpose, employed on its behalf. Either is meaningless without the end for which it was intended, nor is it valued as a separate thing apart from the intention. The means seem real because the goal is valued. And judgment has no value unless the goal is sin.
65 The body cannot be looked upon except through judgment. To see the body is the sign that you lack vision and have denied the means the Holy Spirit offers you to serve His purpose. How can a holy relationship achieve its purpose through the means of sin? Judgment you taught yourself; vision is learned from Him Who would undo your teaching. His vision cannot see the body because it cannot look on sin. And thus it leads you to reality. Your holy brother, sight of whom is your release, is no illusion. Attempt to see him not in darkness, for your imaginings about him will seem real there. You closed your eyes to shut him out. Such was your purpose, and while this purpose seems to have any meaning, the means for its attainment will be evaluated as worth the seeing, and so you will not see.
66 Your question should not be, "How can I see my brother without the body?" Ask only, "Do I really wish to see him sinless?" And as you ask, forget not that his sinlessness is your escape from fear. Salvation is the Holy Spirit's goal. The means is vision. For what the seeing look upon is sinless. No one who loves can judge, and what he sees is free of condemnation. And what he sees he did not make, for it was given him to see, as was the vision which made his seeing possible.

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