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From Client to Colleague!

AS AN EXPERIENCED Senior Manager of large teams, Caroline Lansbury was so impressed with the Leadership Development work of LeaderShape that she joined us!   In her role as a Senior Recruiter of 20 years' standing, she saw the significant impact of effective leadership, built on an understanding of Emotional Intelligence, as it impacted on the bottom line of the business. She later engaged with LeaderShape to deliver the programme to others in her organisation, saying she felt it to be "Possibly the most immediately beneficial development I have ever had."  Take a look at what Caroline has to offer, as part of our experienced Executive Leadership Development Team.

ALSO, OUR NEW COLLEAGUE, Jonathan Cowens, has leadership experience gained in multi-national commercial businesses, SMEs, not for profit cooperative organisations, the public sector and Higher Education Institutes. He has wide industry knowledge incorporating, research and development, education, consultancy, commodities, renewable energy, veterinary surveillance and the cereals' food chain.  Operating at a senior level has brought with it broad strategic review experience across a number of different businesses along with responsibility for the implementation of significant change management and relocation projects.

Sustainable Leadership: Rewire Your Brain for Sustainable Success

THIS THIRD, and latest, White Paper in our series on Transpersonal Leadership  explores why we need a more sustainable approach to leadership and how we can shift from the old mechanistic view of leadership to a more sustainably effective one that is appropriate for the 21st century. 

Here's another chance to engage with this thought-leading paper.
Women, Naturally Better Leaders for the 21st Century? 

OUR  SECOND White Paper, written by Greg Young CEO of LeaderShape Global and published by Routledge, is instinctively in tune with the latest Government thinking. Greg was pleased to attend the Government commissioned Hampton-Alexander Review to increase the number of women in senior business roles. The review recommends companies listed on the FTSE 100 should have at least 33 per cent of their executive pipeline positions filled by women by 2020.

Launching the report, former FTSE 100 Executive, Denise Wilson, OBE said: "Having seen around 550 women appointed to the boards of FTSE 350 companies since 2011, there is now clear evidence the voluntary business-led approach is working, with a fundamental cultural change taking place at the heart of British business."  You can read all about the report here.  Take a look on Twitter at the conversations about #WomenOnBoards or at our own #WomenLeadership Twitter storm.

BLOG SPOT: Are Women Naturally Better Leaders for the 21st Century?    By Janice Steed.
I RECENTLY READ this  exciting new white paper written by Greg Young CEO of LeaderShape Global and published by Routledge, and feel compelled to develop some of my own thinking:

I am a leader of some considerable experience, which certainly has not been universally positive in terms of my experiences of women, so it made me think - are they naturally better leaders?   The research that LeaderShape has done on emotional intelligence and the competencies for transpersonal leadership are certainly in line with my own experiences and academic understanding. My own journey has taken me through a career as a nurse and midwife with an advanced diploma in midwifery, before a long career as a Board Director and now some 9 years as an organisation consultant, facilitator and executive coach, with the latter complemented with an MSc and PGC from Ashridge with underpinning theoretic frameworks around relational consulting and coaching; meaning we do things 'in relationship' to effect change and co-create culture, behaviours and leadership/ followership dynamics.
Read more here
LeaderShape Global is a UK-based organisation with a 
global culture  that operates without borders.

Take a look at the range of our globally and nationally based clients here
Or please pass this newsletter on to colleagues who may benefit from our leadership development work.

Greg Young, 
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