Parent Contact Update
-July 2017-
If you attended the 2017 MEIC Conference and haven't completed our survey yet, there is still time! Please take a few minutes and fill it out here
Did you know...

there are some great resources available to support you as your family transitions out of EI? Check out the Transition Resources tab on for "Continuing the Journey", the best practices guide to transition in early childhood, as well as a the Countdown to Transition- which contains tips for parents by parents!

Did you know...

we took a TON of photos at the MEIC Conference this year? Check out the album on the EIPLP Facebook page, and feel free to tag yourself and download your favorites! While you are at it, be sure to "like" our page to get updates on what's going on in the Massachusetts EI Community. 

Did you know...

there are ways to be involved in the MAEI System above and beyond the scope of services listed on your IFSP without leaving home? Recently the EIPLP had a group of parents participate in a review of a document the Department of Public Health is working on for new families coming into early intervention. They provided feedback on their thoughts as a family receiving EI services. All of it was able to be done at the parents convenience and without having to travel for meetings! If you would like to be added to our list of parents to contact when opportunities like this one come up, let us know by calling 1-877-353-4757 or emailing
Did you know...?

An  IFSP Team includes parents, the service coordinator, EI Specialists, other service providers and anyone else invited by the family.
We love that you are here!

Parent Contacts are an important part of the Massachusetts Early Intervention System. Parent Contacts are parents and guardians of children currently receiving EI services who volunteer to receive information from the EIPLP and share it with other families. If your child is no longer receiving services, or you no longer wish to be the Parent Contact for your EI program, please let us know by calling 
1-877-353-4757 or emailing so that we can identify another family from your program.