101 South Main Street
Elkhart, IN 46516
Phone: 574.295.8761
Fax: 574.389.7497
Hours:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F
2017 Elkhart County Estate Planning Council Membership

The Elkhart County Estate Planning Council (ECEPC) exists to provide multi-disciplinary education, understanding, and cooperation among professionals who are involved in estate planning. The council is organized to help its members render the highest possible service to the public by presenting quality educational programs and networking opportunities.

Each year, the ECEPC plans four educational lunch and learns on trending topics in the estate planning world.  Each luncheon begins at 11:45am with the presentation lasting one full hour (12:00pm-1:00pm) and costs $35 per meeting for non-members.  The discounted annual membership of $50 includes the cost of all meals, continuing education sessions, and a complimentary "Indiana Laws of Aging" book.

Were you able to attend last month's lunch and learn? 
If not, click here to read about the impact of tax reform on philanthropy.
Mark Your Calendar

Digital Assets Update: Focusing on Indiana and Michigan implications

MAY 3   
Care Options for Seniors

SEPTEMBER 6    *3 Hour CE Credit
Long Term Care

Legislative Update
*Applications for continuing education will be filed for all lunch and learns. Earning credit is subject to approval.