Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian Church
Pastor Carolyn Poteet - "Farewell to Pastors Hudson and Job "



Messages of Grace

(Past Recorded Sermons) 

This Sunday
August 6, 2017

Sermon Title:
"Refined by Fire" 
"Lord, Teach Us to Pray" series

Matthew 6:9-13
James 1:2-16 

CTCT-20170529_235534_1 August 4, 2017

Dear MLEPC Members and Friends:

As you are reading this, our dear Kenyan friends are probably on an airplane somewhere over the Atlantic heading back to their homeland. Pastors Hudson and Job have been such a blessing, it is hard to even put into words the impact of their ministry on our congregation in the short time they have been with us. Three things especially stand out where they have had a significant influence on us:  
  • Praying with Power - Anyone who spent time in the Prayer Room during Mission:Possible or joined us for Sundays@Seven knows these men can pray! They don't just politely ask God for things. I think more of the old-fashioned word to "travail" in prayer. Prayer is work! It is vital work for the Kingdom of God. When they pray, they pray with power, conviction, and confidence that the Lord hears and answers prayers. The King James Version describes it this way: "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much," (James 5:16). Their prayers were fervent, and they will have lasting impact on our congregation. How would you like to grow in prayer in your own life? How can we grow as a congregation in the area of prayer?
  • The Embarrassment of Riches - Many of us have been convicted by our American extravagance compared to their simpler lifestyles. We may think we live simply, but when Pastor Hudson tells a story about the miraculous return of his cow, we realize our lives are full of luxury. We go to the store and have to choose between 2%, 1%, whole, organic, lactose free, chocolate, soy, almond, cashew, and coconut milk. His children rejoice when their one source of milk is lost but finds its way home after three months. For us, $30 is a meal out for two. For them, $30 is food for the family for a week. Is the Lord challenging you to simplify your life? Are there ways that a little sacrifice on your part could be a big blessing for someone else?
  • "Shoot on Sight" - One morning at Mission:Possible, Pastor Job challenged us to "shoot on sight." He said that every encounter we have should be seen as a chance to share the good news of Jesus Christ. At Summerfest, they were able to engage in several conversations about Jesus with people who visited the gathering. It is amazing that they, as outsiders to our culture, could be more bold than we are about sharing the gospel. This was very convicting to me personally, and I am sure their example will stay with us. Who needs to hear the gospel in your daily life? A shop clerk? A neighbor? A colleague? How can we help each other have the courage to speak with grace and truth about Jesus? (Bonus reading: I would also recommend the new book Speak the Truth: How to Bring God Back into Every Conversation, by my friend Carmen Fowler Laberge, available on Amazon.)
Continuing in the Lord's Prayer
How have you been doing on forgiveness this week? For those of you who missed the sermon, the big challenge was to realize how much you have been forgiven and also to work on forgiving those in your life that were hard to forgive. The book I recommended, Cancer and the Lord's Prayer, offers three simple steps: 1) Picture the person in your mind, 2) Say "I forgive them, and I release them", and 3) pray that God will bless them (this is often the hardest step!). I am praying that all of us would experience new freedom in letting go of unforgiveness.

And finally, this week we are looking at the phrase, "Lead us not into temptation." Does that mean God can lead us into temptation? Why was it necessary for Jesus to go into the desert and experience temptation? How does that fit with James 1:12-16, which says, "God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone"? And what about the alternate translation of this text, "do not bring us into this time of trial" (NRSV)? In the Heritage service, we will be singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," which reminds us that in the midst of trials and temptations, we should always "take it to the Lord in prayer." Thanks be to God, we are not alone in these struggles!

I continue to thank the Lord for you all. You have been such a blessing, and I see the Lord at work in your midst. May we continue to spur one another on to faith and good works, that God may be glorified in all we say and do.

Pastor Carolyn
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