Carmen M. Fuentes-Griffith - Director of the Ministerial Spouse Association and Women's Ministries in the Southwestern Union Conference |
Divinely Favored
By Carmen M. Fuentes-Griffith
To say that I am "Divinely favored" is an understatement. When I compare where I am now in my life to where I began, it simply is astonishing to see how God has led.
I was born on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. We lived with my paternal grandmother who was a staunch Adventist. For the first five years of my life I lived on the island; however, my father decided to move to the United States for better financial possibilities. We moved to Brooklyn, New York, and lived there until I was 12 years old. Leaving the city, as Ellen White instructed, we moved to Buffalo, New York and later to Rochester, New York.
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Jesus Wins! By Elizabeth Talbot, PhD
From September 11-14, 2016, the North American Division Ministerial Association and Adventist Chaplaincy Ministry sponsored a retreat for all women who have sensed the call of God to ministry. Over 150 women pastors and chaplains attended this powerful event, providing support to each other, praising God together, and experiencing the love and support of their colleagues.
As part of our attempt in the Ministerial Association to give you a word in due season, we wanted to further provide support for all our women pastors and chaplains by providing this presentation as a source of encouragement. Presented by Pastor Elizabeth Talbot, we hope and pray that each of you will find strength from this message as you continue to serve our Lord and Savior faithfully in the field where He has placed you. Through the story of Miriam, this powerful message will bring hope, confidence, courage, and direction to each of you in the coming days ahead.
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Roller coasters! Some like them, some don't. Are you an up-front-rider who thrills with the ups and downs and when the ride is over races back to the line to do it all over again? Or are you a white-knuckler-dreading the next jerk, turn, dip and drop while wishing you had never gotten yourself onto this stress rail in the first place?
How we relate to stress is unique to each of us, and we need to understand our differences. As pastors and pastoral family members, recognizing our vulnerability to stress can help us ward off negative effects brought on too often by stress-producing expectations of pastoral service, family relationships, financial obligations, etc.
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15 Pastors Spouses Work Together in Phoenix
On October 9-15, 2016 fifteen pastors' wives and their husbands came together in Phoenix, Arizona to win souls for Christ in the 'Our Great Hope Summit.' Planned, prepared, and prayed for during the year prior to the event, this project attracted a diverse audience: Burmese, Chin, Congolese, Karen, Karenni, Ethiopian, Ghanaian, Kenyan, Haitian, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Samoan, and Tongan.
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Pastors Wives Minister in Great Bend
Three ministerial spouses from the Kansas-Nebraska Conference gave their time, skills and love to join others in meeting some needs of people during September 11-18, 2016 as the God in Shoes ministry came to Great Bend, Kansas. Features of the week included a Family Fun Day, Evening Seminars & Suppers and a Ladies' Free Spa Day. Welcome baby gift baskets were given to community mothers by church moms who have become supportive mentors to them. Many inspirational books were given to attendees.
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Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Ministerial Spouses Retreat
Pastors' wives from the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference came together for a rejuvenating retreat during a beautiful spring weekend earlier this year at Indian Creek Camp, amidst redbud blossoms and a sparkling lake nestled in the mountains of central Tennessee.
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Texico Ministerial Spouses Enjoy Fellowship
Approximately 15 ministerial spouses from the Texico Conference with their little ones gathered together in Corrales, New Mexico on June 3, 2016 to enjoy one another's company and catch up on each others' lives. Nelva Chacon, Shepherdess leader and Donna Jackson led out in interactive exercises and discussion. (Some of the pastor's wives that met are shown in the pic above. (Nelva Chacon is in the striped dress and Donna Jackson is at the far left.)