The UUCW Nugget
December 7, 2016
Office Hours
(Sept 6, 2016 - 
June 29, 2017):
Mon, Tues, Wed: 
9 am - 3 pm
Thur. 9 am - 2 pm  

Congregational Mission Statement

"The members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist 
Church of Worcester covenant to be a congregation of love, hope and justice inspiring people to take on the challenges of a changing world."
Welcoming Church 
Mission Statement 

The LGBTQI and Allies of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester strives to further the affirmation and celebration of LGBTQI individuals in all aspects of the church community. We also seek to increase the visibility of UUCW as a Welcoming Congregation within the greater community.
The Follen Christmas Tree 
Stephen Nissenbaum, author of The Battle for Christmas: A Social and Cultural History of Our Most Cherished Holiday (1996), wrote, "Legend has it that Charles Follen, a German-American professor at Harvard, introduced America's first Christmas tree. The source of that legend ... [was] written by a very famous British visitor to the United States, a woman named Harriet Martineau, who happened to witness the Follens' tree while she was touring New England. As Martineau wrote, 'I was present at the introduction into the new country of the German Christmas-tree.'"
Martineau published the story of this event in Godey's Lady's Book, a popular magazine of the time. Nissenbaum continues, "Though this was not the first American Christmas tree, it is certainly true that Charles Follen set up a Christmas tree in Martineau's presence for his son and name-sake, an endearing 5-year-old whom everybody called 'little Charley.'"
When Martineau arrived, Follen and his wife Eliza were fastening little candles to the tree, actually the cut-off tip of an evergreen, and hanging toys and sweets from the branches before little Charley and his play-mates got home.
According to Nissenbaum, "Finally, the double doors were thrown open and the children poured in, their voices instantaneously hushed. 'Their faces were upturned to the blaze, all eyes wide open, all lips parted, all steps arrested,' wrote Martineau. 'Nobody spoke, only Charley leaped for joy.'"
The children proceeded to the sweets, the adults guiding the little hands around the bright candle flames. Nissenbaum writes, "Martineau concluded her account by predicting that the Christmas tree ritual would surely become an established American tradition."
In 1835, Charles Follen lost his professorship at Harvard due to his out-spoken abolitionist beliefs. His friendship with William Ellery Channing led him to the Unitarian Church. Ordained in 1836, Follen had been called to the pulpit of the Second Congregational Society in Lexington, Massachusetts, in 1835, now Follen Church Society.

Follen died tragically at the age of 44 when the Steamship Lexington that he was traveling on from New York to Boston caught fire and sank in a storm in Long Island Sound. He was returning home for the dedication of the new church building that he designed. The octagonal structure is still in use by the Follen Church Society, a Unitarian Universalist congregation. His memory lives on in the annual Christmas tree sale that the Follen Church began in the 1950s. Each tree sold has a tag that tells the story of the Christmas tree tradition from Germany introduced to America by the Rev. Charles Follen.

As the Holiday Season approaches, we are mindful that we have a history of offering a variety of ways to give and to gift here at UUCW. In an effort to invite participation in these efforts, without overwhelming each other, we are offering this list to you in hopes that you will participate in any of the ways that feel best to you and assist you in celebrating the holidays in ways that are most meaningful.  This list will grow over the next two weeks so watch for your favorite ways to give and gift!
Reminders about Fundraising! Fundraising  

Book & Clothing Donation Bins
Please keep in mind that one of our fundraising programs is the two bins across the street in our parking lot for books and clothing.  We actually make very good money from this endeavor!  So, as you're doing your fall cleaning or whatever, please take a minute to fill the bins as well as you can!

Amazon Smile Holiday Shopping Reminder
Just a reminder as you begin your holiday shopping - if you shop on Amazon there is an opportunity to earn money for the church.  Just go to  Amazon Smile and select the church as a place where Amazon will provide a contribution based on what you buy.  We get a percentage of your total purchase.  Even if you are using Amazon Prime it will still kick in but you have to go to Amazon Smile at the outset.  Thanks - every little bit helps!  
Contact Information




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