The Night Before the Merger
'Twas the night before the merger, when all through the firm,
Not a lawyer was stirring, not even Tina, our bookworm.
The new firm name was chosen with care,
with the hope that clients would still find us there.
When out in the waiting room, arose such a clatter,
Mia sprang up to see what was the matter.
Pattie flew to the window like a flash,
And, once there, she threw open the glass.
The florescent lights on the carpet so bare,
Gave the shine of day to the people standing there.
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
Lots of new and old clients with legal matters to fear.
Now, Kathryn! Now Chris and Kristina!
On Brittany, on Pattie, Mia and Tina!
McPherson and Harry has clients galore,
Thank you to one and all who enter our door!