August 14,  2017
Recent Articles

We've encountered some criticism of thought leadership lately. Several writers, such as David Sessions in New Republic, have penned disparaging articles about it, claiming thought leaders are shallow pseudo-intellectuals peddling punditry for a fee. Are they really? Bloom Group's  Tim Parker has an answer

A piece of writing that's between 500 and 1,000 words can only express one idea. And to do it well, it needs a structure. David Rosenbaum describes one that works every time to grab the reader by the throat and keep him captive to the end. This is essential reading for anyone who writes blog posts and wants people to read them. 

About Bloom Group
Bloom Group turns expertise into recognition and revenue.

We help firms and individuals become thought leaders. We work with clients to develop thought leadership strategies, conduct research, create compelling content, get published in top-tier journals, write bestselling books, and present at prestigious conferences.

The sheer volume of thought leadership content being produced today has raised the bar for the quality and quantity of material a B2B firm must develop. Editors at leading third-party journals (such as Harvard Business Review and Forbes) tell us that if a submission isn't ready for publication, it will quickly be forgotten. That puts pressure on thought leadership marketers to produce impeccable work. To cut through the clutter with quality material, these are  the top ten things we think a firm can do

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