Nipper Notes

Weekly eNewsletter of Our Saviour Lutheran Church

December 24,2016

This Sunday 
OSLC Choir

Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 212 Sunset Drive, Johnson City, Tennessee, will offer  "The Heart of CHRISTmas" family service at 4 p.m. while the tradition Communion and Candlelight worship is set for 7 p.m. 

CHRISTmas morning - at 11 a.m. we will offer a service of "Lessons, Carols, and Communion" with a blessing of the gifts and toys for the children.

A nursery is provided.  

All are welcome. 
For further information 
about OSLC, please 
visit our website at 
or join us on Facebook.
Pastor Eds 
Daily Devotional Blog


Click here or on the picture to go to the daily devotional.

Parents Day Out

Click here or on the picture to go to Parents Day Out.

Join Our Mailing List

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve Worship 4:00 PM
Christmas Eve Worship 7:00 PM

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Unity worship service 11:00 AM

Monday, December 26, 2016

Cover Girls 10:00 AM

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Grief class to lunch 11:45 AM

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Yoga 6:30 PM

Friday, December 30, 2016

Walk/Talk 10:00 AM

"And suddenly..." (Luke 2:13a)

At first, it was a quiet night.  Something or someone appears out of nowhere in the darkness of the night.  Then some sort of glory (see verse 9) shone all around them and scared them half to death!  The "them" were a handful of shepherds, who were working the fields that night near Bethlehem.  Once the angel calms them a bit, Luke writes, "And suddenly..."

...the heavens break out the big guns!   The sky is full of angels and they are singing a glorious song of the peace God has for His children!  It's like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir all died and went to heaven!  With full orchestra made up of the most amazing musicians, God's magnificence shown out, if only for a few moments.

And, who might have seen such a thing?  If the night sky was lit up like some humongous roman candle, wouldn't someone else have seen it other than a few shepherds?  No one (no other Gospel or St. Paul or any other writer of the New Testament) reports that anyone else saw what happened.  This marvelous birth happens with little fanfare, at least according to the worldly standards.  Night comes and then the morning. Everyone is going about their business, well, except maybe some bedazzled night watchmen who usually can't be trusted. As they traveled around and shared this story, most folks probably thought they had had a little too much to drink on that particular night.

Here it begins.

Here the story of the Christ begins.

Seems rather strange, don't you think, that God would choose such a plain and familiar way to enter into the world to begin His journey of least, if the night sky wasn't seen by anyone else other than a few men?

Why wouldn't God have chosen the Messiah to ride into His kingdom on a golden chariot, flames a blazing, glory all around, bringing the world to her knees?  Why couldn't God have chosen to arrive by thunderbolt and put a very righteous fear into the hearts of every living person?  Why not use the most divine special effects to change the minds of the world's dissenters on God and religion?

I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, God does His best work in the shadows, away from the brightness of the world.

Besides, time and time again, God chooses to go another way with His grace and love.

No fanfare entry, but a lowly manger;

No powerful warfare, but a simple compassion for others;

No glorious trek to the throne, but a bloody way to a cross;

No bright lights, but a dark hill;

In these places, God makes Himself known.

God is not shy, He just likes to pick and choose His places to reveal Himself, and it seems to always be in the oddest of places.  It is not odd to God.

And, it shouldn't be odd to us either, in fact, it should be delightful surprises, for that is how God works!

Watch these days of the CHRISTmas season, these 12 days - some of the darkest of days all year - and see if the light of Christ doesn't shine to beat back the darkness in your lives!

In so doing, always remember...

God loves you and so do we!
Pastor Jim
The Birth Of Jesus

Coming Up at OSLC   
Acolyte Sign-up: 
The sign-up sheet for acolytes is on the bulletin board in the hallway. Thank you!

Please keep:
 the church doors locked at all times. Thank you.

Guest Wi-Fi:
 users login with oslc2016.

Parish Nurse "Ministries in Motion":
 Thursdays @ 6:30 pm, Yoga in Youth Room, please bring your own mat; Fridays @ 10 am, Walk/Talk with prayer, devotion, and "Chair Yoga."

Please take note of our schedule for Holy Communion and Candlelight worships on CHRISTmas weekend:  "The Heart of CHRISTmas" family service is set for 4 p.m. while the tradition Communion and Candlelight worship is set for 7 p.m.  All are welcome!  

CHRISTmas morning - at 11 a.m. we will offer a service of "Lessons, Carols, and Communion" with a blessing of the gifts and toys for the children.

to all who will be traveling next week!      

to Janice and Ben Garrison donating for the Chrismon tree in the narthex.

to everyone who has made extra monetary gifts to OSLC to help our SE Synod Disaster Team being prepared to help the people of Gatlinburg and the surrounding area.  If you still want to donate, make checks out to OSLC but earmark them to (SESDT).  If you use an envelope and place cash in it, just write the letters "SESDT" on the outside of it.  Thank you very much!
The OSLC Prayer List
Praying Hands

Please Pray for:
Penny Van Hooser (home now); Carl and Brenda Snyder (Carl had successful knee surgery this past Wednesday); Ann Smith; Barbara Gish; Pat Tomita; Julie Witham; Berla Smith; Bill Brooks; Mary King; Phoebe Sand; Dennis Hamm; Mary Ostermeyer (now at NHC on Bristol Hwy); Pat Keffer; Otto Zinser; David & Martha Herting; Janet Ecklund; John Stafford; Kay & Chuck Scheurer; John Paul Neas; Irene Ackley; Janice Knipp; Jennifer Stafford; Wendi Garrison; Lori Markstrom

Family Members and Friends:   
Jeff Marshall, Tom & Susan's brother-heart surgery in Nashville this week; Bill Vicars, Selma's husband; Dr. James Robinson, friend of the Chalkleys; Eugene Ohler, Sylvia and Fred's daughter's father-in-law; Sue Ellen Page Johnson; Stephen Acuna, brother-in-law of Kandess Boyles Acuna; Evelyn Hinson, Pam Alexander's mother; Sara Riggins, friend of Jenny Everheart; Shirley Harris, mother of Jimmy Guinn; Beverly VanRiel; Shannon Arias; Joyce Sweeney; Justin Keffer, Debbie Garrison; Jeremy Downes;Doug Davidson;Gus Johnson; Steve Baline; Brad Whitson; Graham Hurter; Bill Reese; Roger Rundbaken; Albert Sunderwirth;Alice Sulkowski; Jason Rakel; Carey Outen; Sharon Neuhaus; Willis Bowers; Josh & Alice Nunn; Ann Carter; Bruce & Betsy Shine; Mark Mullinex; Linda Linden; Taylor Miller; Jim Ackley; Preston Burke; Robin Barnett; Eve Hargrave; Mark Singleton; Bob Fetterolf; Chris Toft; Marsha Millhorn; Jessica Mowell; Beth Neas; Karen Winter; Al Rudolph; Jim Simpson; Jim Aderhold; Richard Williams; Mable Randolph

Military Service Members: 
Chance Johnson (Army); Nick Harris (Air Force).
Friends And Family: 
Cade Hall (Navy) grandson of the Beckelhimers; Nick Hodge (Air Force) friend of the Flints; Chase Estep (Marines) brother of Clint Estep; David Guck (Marines) friend of Pat Wolf

 to Janice and Ben Garrison donating for the Chrismon tree in the narthex, and for everyone who helped decorate it on Saturday, December 3rd.

 to everyone who has made extra monetary gifts to OSLC to help our SE Synod Disaster Team being prepared to help the people of Gatlinburg and the surrounding area.  If you still want to donate, make checks out to OSLC but earmark them to (SESDT).  If you use an envelope and place cash in it, just write the letters "SESDT" on the outside of it.  Thank you very much!
Thought for the Month
O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." ~ Psalm 34:8



Our Purpose
Make disciples, and grow in grace.

Our Vision
We love God and neighbor, so that all people will be disciples.