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Celebrating 10 Years of FOFA's Support
for Oaxacan Folk Artists
Marta Turok Wallace, anthropologist and judge in all four contests for folk artists 30 years of age and under sponsored by FOFA in collaboration with Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca MEAPO (Oaxaca State Museum of Folk Art), recently honored FOFA's contributions to folk art in Oaxaca in an interview with Margee Rogers, Vice President:

Marta Turok Wallace judging contributions to FOFA/MEAPO's July, 2016 contest
"FOFA's approach is unique for Mexico and represents a different vision. You involve fewer participants than a government-sponsored contest; and you follow up by offering various kinds of support for a larger number of participants and their communities throughout the year. FOFA remains in dialogue with the artisans beyond each contest, assessing their needs for workshops such as marketing and English. The catalog, with photos of the artists and their work - - along with comments on their families and villages - - is also different.
FOFA does not need to reinvent itself at this juncture of its 10th anniversary. Over the years it has continued to evolve. Each contest evokes new and better responses to meeting the artists' needs. The positive feedback from the artists themselves is the best indication that you have been successful."
"Honoring Our Roots, Exploring Our Dreams", the exhibition originally displayed at MEAPO beginning in November, 2017, re- opened at Fundaci ó n Alfredo Harp Helu's (FAHHO) beautiful Centro Cultural San Pablo on July 15 th , 2017 . Several of our board members joined the artists to celebrate this significant recognition of our impact and their art .
FOFA board members Janette Cordova, Amy Mulvihill (Secretary), and Arden Rothstein (President)

Arden Rothstein and Amy Mulvihill with the Raymundo Sánchez sisters who work in dried flower crafts
The 60 piece show -- featuring the works of winners and honorable mention recipients in FOFA/MEAPO's July, 2016 contest -- is beautifully mounted and easily accessible for visitors in the San Pablo gallery in downtown Oaxaca City, where it will remain until mid-January, 2018.

Woodcarvings and Ceramic Pieces in the San Pablo Gallery
Another first for FOFA i s the ExpoVenta (folk art market) on the plaza of Centro Cultural San Pablo in which 15 of the 60 featured artists sold their artwork for three days, July 21-23, during the Guelaguetza tourist season . To quali fy to participate in the ExpoVenta these artists had to attend a two-day marketing workshop funded by L os Amigos del Arte Popular (L ADAP ) .

Jenifer Teresa García López, ceramicist, and
Mario Porfirio González Pérez, weaver, at the ExpoVenta

A second marketing workshop was held in early August; those who participated are eligible to participate in a three-day ExpoVenta from  October 27-29 during the high tourist season of Day of the Dead .


Click on the link above to make a donation of any amount to support our valuable efforts. Thank you! 718-859-1515  275 Central Park West, #1-C  New York, New York 10024