Parkway United Church of Christ  E-news
December 23, 2016

Worship with us this Christmas Weekend!

Christmas Eve - don't miss the prelude music for the Traditional Service starting at 7:10pm.

Christmas Day - One Family Worship at 10:00am and Christmas dinner at 5:00pm. 

New Year's Day:

One Family Worship at 10:00am
Begin 2017 with us in worship. Say goodbye and hello at the same time.  We'll sing and pray and talk about possibilities and priorities. This will be an interactive service and will also have contemplative moments because January 1st is a foot in two worlds.

Give-a-Meal Sunday extends to January 8!  Drop off non-perishable food and personal items to be picked up by Isaiah 8 ministries for their food pantry. 

Adult Education
Sundays | 9:30am & 11am | Heritage Room

No Adult Education this Sunday, December 25.

Prayer Updates
Marsha & David Peek - grieving & giving thanks for her father
(details on memorial service forthcoming).
Andrea Barnes - broken arm.
Tarney Smith - recent lung cancer diagnosis (Mona Herberg's mom).
Shirley Blume - health struggles; broken hip (John Williams' sister).
The people of Aleppo , Syria & for peace, justice, kindness everywhere.

Into the Mystic is the Rev. John C. Dorhauer's weekly podcast on 

Taize Worship Service
December 31, 2016 | 5:30-6:15pm | Christ Church Cathedral,  1210 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO 63103

Join us for a New Year's Eve service in the style of Taize at Christ Church Cathedral. This quiet, contemplative service of prayer scripture, silence and chant invites us to enter the depths of our inner self where we may be still and know that God is God. Free off-street, lighted, secure parking is on the south side of the cathedral for you comfort.

We will conclude with a toast to the new year (champagne and non-alcoholic beverages will be served) and light snacks. All are welcome!
Contact Rosanna Hogarty: 314-265-7992 | rjhogarty@gmail. com

Toy Collection the month of January
We will be collecting USED TOYS for the BRO (Board of Religious Organizations) during the month of January from Jan. 8th to Jan. 29th. A large box will be in the Gathering Space. These toys will be renewed and given to needy families next Christmas. It sounds far off, but the BRO's elves have emptied their shelves and are anxious to get to work for next year. These toys go to St. Louis families: the largest number of recipients are referred by our UCC Neighborhood Houses.
Here's a good chance to clear out and RECYCLE for a good cause. Contact Naomi Runtz for more information: 314-993-0469 | [email protected]

Read our Missouri Mid-South Conference publications to find out what is happening around the Conference:

Have you seen this commercial from Amazon?
It is the season of giving and receiving!
This quick video is a powerful piece you won't forget! (This is not intended to promote Amazon.)

AWOL (Adventurous Women Out Late) to see
Hidden Figures
Sat, Jan 14 | Carpool from church 6:30pm, or at theater (TBA).
As the United States raced against Russia to put a man in space, NASA found untapped talent in a group of African-American female mathematicians that served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in U.S. history. Based on the unbelievably true life stories of three of these women, known as "human computers," we follow these women as they quickly rose the ranks of NASA alongside many of history's greatest minds specifically tasked with calculating the momentous launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, and guaranteeing his safe return. Dorothy Vaughn, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson crossed all gender, race, and professional lines while their brilliance and desire to dream big, beyond anything ever accomplished before by the human race, firmly cemented them in U.S. history as true American heroes. RSVP Carmen Bumgarner [email protected] or text 314-330-0813. 

Youth Night
Wednesdays | 6:30pm | Fellowship Hall
NO Youth Night December 28

Christmas Memory Tree
You are invited to fill an ornament with a note or a small significant item in honor of a loved one to be remembered during this season. Ornaments are in a basket beneath the tree in the Gathering Space.

Buy a Great Book and Support a Great Cause
Growing Up with the River: Nine Generations on the Missouri

By PUCCers Dan & Connie Burkhardt-$20
The total cost goes to help fund our July2017PUCC Youth Mission Trip to Appalachian South Folklife Center in Pipestem, West Virginia.

Inclement Weather Policy
If we need to cancel church on a Sunday morning due to wintry weather, we will communicate with you in a variety of ways:
  • Church wide email.
  • Facebook/Twitter post.
  • listing.
  • Voicemail at church.
Judgment whether to come to church rests with the individual. If you feel it is unsafe to drive, please don't risk it. Stay safe. Stay home.

What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?

Christmas gift suggestions: to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. ~Oren Arnold