17383 W. Sunset Blvd #A230
Pacific Palisades, CA, 90272
                                                                310) 230-2145

Can orthotics help kids?
August 2017
Article by 
Edward D. Wagner DC

Childhood foot problems can have both immediate and long term effects.  During growth, the normal development of the pelvis and spine will suffer if there is a foot imbalance.  A budding athlete's skill level, even running at recess, can be significantly affected.  Later on, foot problems from childhood can interfere with adolescent or adult spinal function, which can result in poor bio mechanics and accelerated degenerative changes in the knees, hips, and spine.
During early development, and especially as we begin to walk, the lower extremity changes significantly.  The legs undergo rotation in order to allow the feet to align with the knees and hips for a smooth gait.  The arches slowly become more obvious and increase in height as the gait improves.   Most problems arise when the feet and legs do not align properly (in-toeing or out toeing), or when the main longitudinal arch does not develop fully.
My exam to determine the kid's need for orthotics is very quick.  Besides observing their legs, feet, and pelvis for misalignments and pelvic unevenness, I have developed a muscle test which demonstrates immediately if the feet are negatively affecting the kinetic chain and therefore their coordination and strength potential.  Finally, we have the most advanced diagnostic laser machine for determining the exact corrections necessary.  Parents are amazed when I make them aware of the imbalances if there are any.
Because most kids insist on wearing shoes like Converse, Keds and Vans, proper development doesn't take place.  Bring your kids in for an analysis and if they need orthotics, I can even have them made to fit the worst of those shoes kids love.  
 Always look for the natural cure.  Spread the word and 
tell your friends who may be suffering.
No one does it better than... 

Wagner Holistic Center
17383 Sunset Blvd. Suite A230
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
310) 230-2145 

Most imbalances can be corrected through diet and supplements. See how we can guide you.
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