5 What is the real meaning of sacrifice? It is the cost of believing in illusions. It is the price that must be paid for the denial of truth. There is no pleasure of the world that does not demand this, for otherwise the pleasure would be seen as pain. And no one asks for pain if he recognizes it. It is the idea of sacrifice that makes him blind. He does not see what he is asking for. And so he seeks it in a thousand ways and in a thousand places, each time believing it is there and each time disappointed in the end. "Seek but do not find," remains this world's stern decree, and no one who pursues the world's goals can do otherwise.
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
I am God's Son, complete and healed and whole,
shining in the reflection of His Love.
In me is His creation sanctified
and guaranteed eternal life. In me
is love perfected, fear impossible,
and joy established without opposite.
I am the holy home of God Himself.
I am the Heaven where His Love abides.
I am His holy Sinlessness Itself,
for in my purity abides His own.
Our use for words is almost over now.
Yet in the final days of this one year
we gave to God together, you and I,
we found a single purpose that we shared.
And thus you joined with me. So what I am
are you as well. The truth of what we are
is not for words to speak of nor describe.
Yet we can realize our function here,
and words can speak of this, and teach it, too,
if we exemplify the words in us.
We are the bringers of salvation. We
accept our part as Saviours of the world,
which through our joint forgiveness is redeemed.
And this, our gift, is therefore given us.
We look on everyone as brother, and
perceive all things as kindly and as good.
We do not seek a function that is past
the gates of Heaven. Knowledge will return
when we have done our part. We are concerned
only with giving welcome to the truth.
Ours are the eyes through which Christ's vision sees
a world redeemed from every thought of sin.
Ours are the ears which hear the Voice of God
proclaim the world as sinless. Ours the minds
which join together as we bless the world.
And from the oneness that we have attained
we call to all our brothers, asking them
to share our peace and consummate our joy.
We are the holy messengers of God,
who speak for Him. And carrying His Word
to everyone whom He has sent to us,
we learn that It is written on our hearts.
And thus our minds are changed about the aim
for which we came and which we seek to serve.
We bring glad tidings to the Son of God,
who thought he suffered. Now is he redeemed.
And as he sees the gate of Heaven stand
open before him, he will enter in
and disappear into the Heart of God.
~ Original Hand Script
L e s s o n 351 A sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see I will behold.
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
Who is my brother but Your holy Son?
And if I see him sinful, I proclaim
myself a sinner, not a Son of God;
alone and friendless in a fearful world.
Yet this perception is a choice I make,
and can relinquish. I can also see
my brother sinless, as Your holy Son.
And with this choice I see my sinlessness,
my everlasting Comforter and Friend
beside me, and my way secure and clear.
Choose, then, for me, my Father, through Your Voice
for He alone gives judgment in Your Name.
~ Original Handscript of ACIM February 11, 1971
ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections
My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see I will behold
Sarah's Commentary:
We now enter the last of the "What is" Sections of the workbook with the question, "What am I?" (W.PII.Q14) The explanation given is a powerful affirmation of the truth of who we really are. Today, we reflect deeply on what is said here about who we are. Jesus says that we are the holy home of God Himself! "I am the Heaven where His Love resides." (W.PII.Q14.1.5) However, no matter what is said, it is impossible to describe our reality in words. Jesus tells us, "Our use for words is almost over now." (W.PII.Q14.2.) It is time for experience so we can come to know our completion, our perfection, a joy without opposite, and our innocence where ". . . in my purity abides His Own." (W.PII.Q14.1.6)
Our true reality is described as, "God's Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of His Love." (W.351.1.1) Love is perfected in us, fear is impossible, and joy has no opposite. We are pure, sinless, holy---all words used to describe Jesus, which is beyond anything we can conceive of within ourselves. Nothing we believe we have done can or has ever changed our reality because we are still the ". . . holy home of God Himself." (W.PII.Q14.1.4) Of course, this is not the self we identify with, which was made to substitute for our reality as the Christ Self.
Jesus tells us the self-concept we have made bears no likeness to our true Self at all. Our problem now is, we don't know who we are. That is why we don't know our own best interests. The self we have made ". . . is an idol, made to take the place of your reality as Son of God." (T.31.V.2.3) (ACIM OE T.31.V.43) All our pain comes from this image that seems to have taken the place of the true Self. That image is a role we play in the world. It is the costume of a character we have taken on, made to let us forget our reality as God's Son. Only by knowing who we are as we were created by God can we know true happiness.
"The Rules for Decision"
(Chapter 30) remind us that we can make this day holy, as any day could be made holy. In the midst of so much frenetic activity that typically takes place at this time of year, we are reminded that this can be a day of peace if we don't make any decisions by ourselves. "This means that we are choosing not to be the judge of what to do. But it must also mean you will not judge the situations where you will be called upon to make response. For if you judge them, you have set the rules for how you should react to them" (T.30.I.2.3-5) (ACIM OE T.30.II.5) Instead, we are invited to make a choice for peace and thus open the way for the birth of Christ in us. This is the way our function as the ". . . bringers of salvation" (W.PII.Q14.3.1) will be realized. By seeing everything through the eyes of Christ, we ". . . perceive all things as kindly and as good." (W.PII.Q14.3.4)
In Section 15 of the Manual for Teachers, the message of our holiness is stated again as follows: "Holy are you, eternal, free and whole, at peace forever in the Heart of God. Where is the world, and where is sorrow now?" (M.15.1.11) We are then challenged by the question, "Do you believe that this is wholly true? No, not yet, not yet. But this is still your goal; why you are here." (M.15.2.2-4) In the instant of time when we get this, we ". . . will go beyond belief to Certainty," (M.15.2.6) and that is what makes the day holy. It is in this day, no different than any other day, that we can experience Christ's birth in us. In that sense, every day can be Christmas day---a day when we receive good tidings of great joy.
Until that experience dawns on us, Jesus reminds us of our unstable state of being ". . . sometimes sad and sometimes angry." (M.15.3.1) Often we feel our ". . . just due is not given" (M.15.3.1) us and our ". . . best efforts meet with lack of appreciation and even contempt." (M.15.3.1) We are urged to ". . . give up these foolish thoughts!" (M.15.3.1) Such thoughts are ". . . too small and meaningless to occupy your holy mind an instant longer." (M.15.3.2)
How do we get free of this prison house of our foolish thoughts, our grievances, our worries, our sadness, and our frenetic activity? The answer is to bring these thoughts to the truth and be willing to see that we are wrong about every interpretation we make of what others have seemingly done to us, making us the victims of their attacks. When the temptation arises to defend how right we are, it is simply another opportunity to step back and ask for another way to see the situation. And yes, it is an opportunity not to get discouraged. We just keep doing the work until forgiveness becomes a habit. Jesus tells us that when we are willing to see our brothers sinless, we will come to know our own reality. Notice how we prefer to hold our brothers as sinful and see ourselves as unjustly treated. That is why we need our "Comforter and Friend" (W.351.1.5) beside us because He makes our way "secure and clear." (W.351.1.5) "Choose, then, for me, my Father," (W.351.1.6) and at our request, it is done. We ask to be guided, which is the clear message in Chapter 30, "Rules for Decision." There are a number of corrective steps provided in this section, but in the end, there is only one rule here and that is to decide who is going to be our guide---the Holy Spirit or the ego. When we choose the Holy Spirit as our Guide in everything we do, He makes our way "secure and clear." (W.351.1.5)
Another good adjunct to this Lesson is in (Text 20.VIII) (ACIM OE T.20.IX) "The Vision of Sinlessness." Here Jesus asks, "Do you not want to know your own Identity? Would you not happily exchange your doubts for certainty. Would you not willingly be free of misery, and learn again of joy? Your holy relationship offers all this to you." (T.20.VIII.2.1-3) (ACIM OE T.20.IX.68) Later, he reminds us of the vulnerability of our bodies. "The body is the sign of weakness, vulnerability and loss of power. Can such a savior help you? Would you turn in your distress and need for help unto the helpless? Is the pitifully little the perfect choice to call upon for strength. Judgment will seem to make your savior weak. Yet it is you who needs his strength. There is no problem, no event or situation, no perplexity that vision will not solve. All is redeemed when looked upon with vision." (T.20.VIII.5.1-8) (ACIM OE T.20.IX.71) And later he says, "Only two purposes are possible. And one is sin, the other holiness. Nothing is in between, and which you choose determines what you want to see." (T.20.VIII.9) (ACIM OE T.20.IX.68)
We have been a stranger to ourselves for a long time. We have been lost in the ego's darkness, and our world is a projection of that darkness in our minds. It shows us the fear in our minds, which keeps us in a state of constant stress. Yet, as we know, it does not have to be this way. Let's commit to the vigilance required to remain focused on bringing all our pain to the light so we can make way for the peace within. This Lesson offers us a simple formula to do just that. We can admit that our way of seeing is wrong and we are willing to turn to One who knows and can reveal to us who we are. Our part is to consistently and willingly turn our thoughts over to Him. This Lesson says that this is the only choice to be made. It is a decision between a choice to see our brother as sinful or sinless; and with that choice comes fear and loneliness, or happiness, comfort, clarity, and security. If you really believed this, can you imagine how motivated you would be to ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to see everyone you meet today as innocent, regardless of how much they seem to commit errors in your perception?
Think about how important this choice is that you are making today. Which will we choose to see today---the misbehaving body of our brother or his holiness? Our day will be determined by our choice. Our vigilance in watching our minds and being willing to bring any interference to the truth is what this journey is about. It is to remember our purpose. If our purpose is to wake up to the truth of who we are, everything in our lives can provide us with the opportunity to do so.
Love and blessings, Sarah
#13. What is the Real Meaning of Sacrifice?
1 Although in truth the term sacrifice is altogether meaningless, it does have meaning in the world. Like all things in the world, its meaning is temporary and will ultimately fade into the nothingness from which it came when there is no more use for it. Now its real meaning is a lesson. Like all lessons, it is an illusion, for in reality there is nothing to learn. Yet this illusion must be replaced by a corrective device, another illusion that replaces the first, so both can finally disappear. The first illusion, which must be displaced before another thought system can take hold, is that it is a sacrifice to give up the things of this world. What could this be but an illusion, since this world itself is nothing more than that?
2 It takes great learning both to realize and to accept the fact that the world has nothing to give. What can the sacrifice of nothing mean? It cannot mean that you have less because of it. There is no sacrifice in the world's terms that does not involve the body. Think a while about what the world calls sacrifice. Power, fame, money, physical pleasure-who is the hero to whom all these things belong? Could they mean anything except to a body? Yet a body cannot evaluate. By seeking after such things, the mind associates itself with the body, obscuring its identity and losing sight of what it really is.
3 Once this confusion has occurred, it becomes impossible for the mind to understand that all the "pleasures" of the world are nothing. But what a sacrifice-and it is sacrifice indeed-all this entails! Now has the mind condemned itself to seek without finding, to be forever dissatisfied and discontented, to know not what it really wants to find. Who can escape this self-condemnation? Only through God's Word could this be possible. For self-condemnation is a decision about identity, and no one doubts what he believes he is. He can doubt all things but never this.
4 God's teachers can have no regret on giving up the pleasures of the world. Is it a sacrifice to give up pain? Does an adult resent the giving up of children's toys? Does one whose vision has already glimpsed the face of Christ look back with longing on a slaughter house? No one who has escaped the world and all its ills looks back on it with condemnation. Yet he must rejoice that he is free of all the sacrifice which its value would demand of him. To them he sacrifices all his freedom. To them he sacrifices all his peace. And to possess them must he sacrifice his hope of Heaven and remembrance of his Father's Love. Who in his sane mind chooses nothing as a substitute for everything?
5 What is the real meaning of sacrifice? It is the cost of believing in illusions. It is the price that must be paid for the denial of truth. There is no pleasure of the world that does not demand this, for otherwise the pleasure would be seen as pain. And no one asks for pain if he recognizes it. It is the idea of sacrifice that makes him blind. He does not see what he is asking for. And so he seeks it in a thousand ways and in a thousand places, each time believing it is there and each time disappointed in the end. "Seek but do not find," remains this world's stern decree, and no one who pursues the world's goals can do otherwise.
6 You may believe this course requires sacrifice of all you really hold dear. In one sense that is true, for you hold dear the things that crucify God's Son. And it is the course's aim to set him free. But do not be mistaken about what sacrifice means. It always means the giving up of what you want. And what, oh teacher of God, is it that you want? You have been called by God, and you have answered. Would you now sacrifice that Call? Few have heard it as yet, and they can but turn to you. There is no other hope in all the world that they can trust. There is no other voice in all the world that echoes God's. If you would sacrifice the truth, they stay in hell. And if they stay, you will remain with them.
7 Do not forget that sacrifice is total. There are no "half sacrifices." You cannot give up Heaven partially. You cannot be a little bit in hell. The Word of God has no exceptions. It is this that makes it holy and beyond the world. It is its holiness that points to God. It is its holiness that makes you safe. It is denied if you attack any brother for anything. For it is here the split with God occurs. A split that is impossible. A split that cannot happen. Yet a split in which you surely will believe, because you have set up a situation that is impossible. And in this situation the impossible can seem to happen. It seems to happen at the "sacrifice" of truth.
8 Teacher of God, do not forget the meaning of sacrifice, and remember what each decision you make must mean in terms of cost. Decide for God, and everything is given you at no cost at all. Decide against Him, and you choose nothing at the expense of the awareness of everything. What would you teach? Remember only what you would learn. For it is here that your concern should be. Atonement is for you. Your learning claims it, and your learning gives it. The world contains it not, but learn this course and it is yours. God holds out His Word to you, for He has need of teachers. What other way is there to save His Son?
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