Planning Press - August 2017
In This Issue
August 14 

August 24

August 26

September 7

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Annual Report

Hamilton County Planning + Development has released the 2016 Annual Report.
Check it out here.
Hamilton County CDBG Community and Economic Development Assistance Program
Hamilton County established the Community and Economic Development Assistance Program using Community Development Block Grant dollars to fund strategic large scale projects that will make a significant impact on communities.

The program has $900,000 available in funding for jurisdictions with a cap of $300,000 for a single jurisdiction. The  Program Overview has detailed information about the program and process. 

For more information contact:
Joy Pierson,
Hamilton County Planning + Development

Catherine Fitzgerald 
Affordable Housing Grant Awards
Hamilton County Planning + Development is pleased to announce that $900,000 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds have been awarded to three projects that will leverage over $11 million in other private and public investment to produce 74 units of affordable housing. This includes one project that received low income housing tax credits (LIHTC) from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA).  Congratulations to these jurisdictions, communities and partners!
821 Flats - Tender Mercies and Over-the-Rhine Community Housing have partnered on a permanent supportive housing project that consists of the new construction of 57 rental units, including 53 efficiencies and 4 one-bedrooms. Total project cost is expected to be $10,600,000 with $300,000 in HOME funds from the County. This LIHTC project is located in the West End neighborhood of the City of Cincinnati.  This will be the first joint project between the County and the City who has also committed $300,000 in HOME funds to this project.

Springfield Township
West College Hill Partners in Residential Redevelopment - Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati will build six new construction single family homes for low to moderate income families in the West College Hill neighborhood of Springfield Township. They will receive $300,000 in HOME funds for the project. The total project cost is estimated at $689,500.  In 2016, the County awarded $350,000 funds to Habitat to build seven homes in the same neighborhood.

West College Station - Wallick/Stern-Hendy Properties will be rehabilitating 14 single family homes, all of which are three bedrooms. The homes are all located in the West College Hill neighborhood of Springfield Township. Total project cost is $250,000 with $150,000 in HOME funds from the County.
Green Infrastructure Training
The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD)  in partnership with the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati is hosting Green Infrastructure training this fall in preparation for the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP) exam in November 2017. 

The National Green Infrastructure Certification Program introduces skills necessary for professionals looking for work on green projects and stormwater management. This includes construction, inspection and maintenance work.

Class Information:
8:00 a.m. - Noon
Mondays and Fridays
between September 8 - October 13, 2017

Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati
2715 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206

For more information email NGICP Cincinnati.
Grant Classes at the Main Library
The Public Library offers free grant classes. Individuals learn the basics to finding grants, writing proposals and how to use the foundation directory to narrow down the donors that are more likely to fund your program or project.

Introduction to Finding Grants

Examines the characteristics of a successful grant seeking nonprofit organization, introduces the basic concepts and practices in grant seeking, and discusses how to use the Foundation Directory Online Professional database to find grant makers.

Introduction To Proposal Writing
Offers tips and techniques in successful grant proposal writing for nonprofit organizations, including what goes into a successful proposal, how the material is organized, how proposal budgets are prepared, and how to present proposals to grant makers in ways designed to promote a positive response.

Grants Research Lab
Search the Foundation Center's Foundation Directory Online in the library's computer lab. A librarian will be on hand to answer questions and provide search tips. Designed for nonprofit organizations seeking grants.

Though geared to nonprofits, these classes could be beneficial for anyone interested in grant writing, and they are completely free.
For more information about events at the library visit the website under Events & Classes. To find the upcoming free grant classes type in grants in the calendar search. 
UCivic Event
This is a local government fair that connects students to employees and representatives of various city departments and organizations.

Students interested in careers in local government will attend this meeting. This is an opportunity to talk to future employees about opportunities in government and how government works.

For more information or to book a booth, contact Alyssa Wissel.

August 24, 2017 5:00pm
Location: on campus TUC 400B
Hamilton County Planning + Development | 513-946-4459 | |