Region 4 Parent Technical Assistance Center   
News Brief  8/8/17
Ask for Advice, Get Money
Kathie Kramer-Ryan, founder of Arroyo Fundraising, has worked for small, mid-sized and huge programs.  She knows the ins and outs of each very well.  She knows that we small centers do not, for the most part, have fundraising staff.  We do it ourselves.  In her experience, we don't have to be perfect.  We just need to be good enough to start a dialog. 
Most parent centers have to fund-raise. For some, having fully functioning administrative and overhead support requires it.  Yet, we don't really have the time, and aren't sure that we have the expertise.  This article, "2 Mindset Shifts to Help You Raise More Money"  will help rest those fears with practical advice on how to engage potential new donors.  Sometimes, asking a potential new donor to dialog about program improvement is the best way to gain their long-term financial support. 
Outcome: Enhancing your center's ability to effectively manage their work and maintain a stable, effective organization.
Region 4 Parent Technical Assistance Center - WI FACETS