This Sunday's Message: Forgive and Forget
Philemon 1:7-9
I am a huge Star Trek fan. I loved the shows, loved the movies and have
even read a few of the spin-off novels. Never has the genre of science
fiction been used so well to comment on the complicated nature of
contemporary life. I recently started watching the most recent of the
television series - Enterprise - on Netflix. It is great ...
Saturday, September 30th, 10:00am to 5:00pm
The Aledo UMC Lord's Acre is right around the corner! Mark your calendars and let's get ready for our Fall Festival.
Live & Silent Auction - We need tickets to TCU, Rangers, Cowboys, Bass Hall, gift cards to your favorite restaurants, rounds of golf, vacation rentals, etc. To donate an auction item, please email Amy Walther
Vendors - We need artisans and unique home-based businesses to sell their goods at the Lord's Acre. Email Stephanie Tremper
here to reserve a spot.
Please consider how you can get involved with the Lord's Acre in order to help support the Manna Room, Snack Sacks, Camp Hope, Wheelchair ramps and other local and global missions!
August 9, 7:00pm
Have you ever wanted to be involved in worship? Chancel Choir resumes rehearsal August 9th at 7:00pm. Come check us out for a few weeks, no pressure! This fun, worship-filled group meets every Wednesday and sings at the 11:00am Cornerstone Traditional Service. Intrigued? Email Thomas Williams at thomas@aledoumc.org.
Fall Sunday School Teachers NEEDED
If you have not taught children's Sunday School before, we would love to have your help! Schedules are very flexible, and all planning is done for you. If you are able to help, please email
Jennifer McDaniel . Thank you!!
Alzheimer's Caregiver Meeting and Kaleidoscope
Thursday, August 10, 1:00pm, Chapel
We will have a guest speaker from the Alzheiemer's Association speaking about its REACH program.
Aledo UMC Back to School Block Party
Sunday, August 27
Mark your calendars! Aledo UMC will be hosting a Block Party on Sunday, August 27 at 12:00pm. There will be food, bounce houses, water slide, games, and more. There will be only one service at 11:00 on that date. It's going to be a great event!
Sunday, August 27
The Block Party is just a few weeks away, and is going to be a great event! We need volunteers to help monitor the bounce houses and make cotton candy on that day. Volunteers will serve a 30 minute shift so that you can still enjoy the event with family and friends. Please sign up at the Connection Center or contact Jennifer McDaniel to serve!
September 1-4
Epiphany Ministry volunteers go into our juvenile justice prisons to share the love of Jesus Christ with incarcerated youth. Sign up at the Connection Center to be part of the prayer chain to pray for the girls who will attend Epiphany weekend. For only $5.00 you can purchase a meal ticket that will provide a lunch and a reminder to an incarcerated teen that she is not forgotten. Thank you for your support of these young souls!
Are you taking advantage of electronic giving?
When we join the church, we pledge to support the life and ministry of the church with our financial gifts. That can get complicated on those weeks when we can't be here as the offering plate comes around. But through electronic giving, you remain faithful to your membership vows, even on those weeks when life takes you elsewhere. It's easy. It's safe. And it benefits both you and your church family. Setting it up is easy and only takes a few minutes. Contact Shari Birchell at sharibirchell@aledoumc.org to set up an automatic transfer from your checking account. Or go to aledoumc.org/give to use your credit or debit card.
In your times of prayer throughout the week, please remember the people named below.
Sue Davis' niece Mary Smith; Barbara Leevy; DeeAnn Day's sister, Julie Brock; Jeff Polak's dad, Virgil Polak; Wayne McGregor; Matt Reed's aunt, Nina Lehrman; Jeni Freeman;
Ben Combs; Carolyn Brumbelow; Stella Lee's daughter, Sherroll Shirley and sister Bobbie Fleming
Special members who are unable to worship with us:
Micki Authier; C.D. and Mattie Graham; Rev. John Johnson
Long-term prayer concerns:
Toni McGregory's daughter Adriane Mason; Mark Greenough's niece Melinda Lee; Carrie Hester; Sarah Reed's mother Paula Duckering; Nikki Dryden's cousin Pat Tripp; Douglas Moore; Laraine Waughtal's nephew Craig Howe; Gary Leevy; Kelly O'Donald's sister, Amy Clinton; Daryl Stanaway's sister-in-law, Sharon Stanaway; Buddy Martin; Steven Cole's mother, JoAnn Cole; Mason Gomez; Gavin Trietsch; All Military Personnel