Dear Friends, 
Please join us  Sunday Dec. 18th for a special worship service as we worship  the Holy Mother.  Our Lady of Guadalupe is our local Holy Mother, part indigenous Indian woman, who survives no matter what.  SHE is  the Black Madonna of the America's, the Holy One who remains the symbol of unity of heaven and earth and her feast day is December 12th.   
We will celebrate Her our Holy Mama, the God/dess this coming Sun. Dec. 18th
 5 pm. (1st and 3rd  Sunday Dream Group  also meets Dec. 18th, 3-5 pm) 6 pm pot luck. 
Mother Mary in our Christian story evolved from  the ancient  myths of the Mother Earth Goddess. She  embodied fertility, the  universe as sacred, alive, whole and interconnected. Historically, the earth goddess before our Judeo Christian myths and religious stories was associated with the earth. Our story of Christianity symbolically  moved her to heaven.
It is past time 
we move her in our own collective and individual consciousness and myths, down to earth again. Our dissociation or distance from her has been one of the main causes of our spiritual,  religious and global ecologic crisis. 


We need to bring her back here into  our imaginations, our 
mental movies, our story telling, rituals, into  our daily lives here on Earth. You who are the earth Holy Mama, help us wake up from this black out of disassociation from the divine feminine we have been living. 
Please bring our high mindedness of living in our heads, symbolically in heaven and come down to earth, come  into our own bodies and spirits and communities and families once more.    When we lost you as a earth goddess, we forgot that the earth is sacred. The collective myth that our earth is the mother goddess has been lost but photos from outer space of 'Our Common Home,' invite us back into the story of Her Holiness.

Reflecting on this  history helps to explain how we have gotten to be so unconscious of our own relationship to the earth and the divine feminine and have become so hopelessly secular and non-religious. We forgot her. May we remember her this Christmas she who is the Earth is God/dess. She is ALIVE, has feelings and we have neglected and abused out relationship with her.   We  have objectified our mother earth and no longer treat her as if she has feelings, to say nothing of the way we dishonor her as our own divine life giver. Of course we are her, apart of her,  so we are committing suicide as we denigrate and destroy her.....but there is hope.

Our Church for Our Common Home has the vision of  reclaiming this lost relationship with the sacred earth and with God/dess. We do this  by retelling and reclaiming goddess myths like Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Christmas story of Mother Mary. She and all her relationships, with  Joseph, the divine child and all the animals in the humble stable.  A BRILLIANT MYTH AND STORY ABOUT THE MOTHER EARTH GODDESS HERE ON EARTH!

No religious story has had more impact on my life. I did not grow up in the church, but when I was 8 years old, I remember placing the holy family and farm animals, wise men and angels onto the coffee table in our card board nativity scene.  My nephew Sam was born on December 10th, 52 years ago and we shared a room together and I GOT IT. I experienced HER, the HOLY MAMA. She embodies the miracle of new life, she is God, Goddess, the creative source, the life bearer. WE MUST WORSHIP HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is the  way to heal our wounded relationship to God, Goddess, the feminine divine, our own spirits and souls. Come join us next Sunday and share your stories of the Holy Mama. When did you get it as a child? How did you forget about her? How can we reclaim, re-experience, re-celebrate the miracle that is her, Earth Mother and LIFE GIVER! We are creating  a new religious story of our time, including  reworking  the Christian  story, during the ecologic crisis. We are giving modern clothes to the Earth God/dess and to Mother Mary for,  
"..the most we can do, according to Jung, is 'to dream the dream onwards and give it a modern dress.'" The Myth of the Goddess, Anne Baring. Come share a new religious story with us this Christmas, as we cast and costume Mary as the Earth, and the Earth as Mary. 
Holy Family

This is particularly poignant  for me this year, as one of my daughter's  in law is expecting a baby-- our first grand child. I ask for prayers for her, my son, and the baby girl yet to be born, in tandem with our prayers for all new human and non-human babies about to be born.  This Christmas season we will pray for ALL holy families that are bringing into the the world holy life....all people who are giving birth to a divine Christ-Sophia child within themselves, creative projects, redemptive forgiving hearts, new  relationships to the Holy.........its all a miracle, this phenomena of birthing new life. 

I will share a vision I had as  a 7 year old child in Jerusalem this Sunday. The statue in the tomb of Mother Mary woke up before my eyes, like sleeping beauty, a wooden statue of Mary  turned to flesh, a dead woman came to life. This experience and the ever changing story of Mother Mary, has been a powerful guiding metaphor for my life. She has been here with me, even when I forgot her, just as she has been here with us as a human family even though we have forgotten her. She is the Earth, merciful to her babies yet a passionate and  powerful protector. She is mother animal instinct, intuition, with deep feelings, she is the deepest of psyche soul, she is THE Mother God of life  who loves us despite our ignorance, arrogance, infantile and slow development  as a human family..... no matter what she loves us.  She is of course not all sweetness and light up in heaven, for she lives underground and inside us. Like a middle aged women in menopause, she is having hot flashes of rage as she witnesses war, greed and excruciating   
ecologic cruelties to creation this Christmas season.  But like sleeping beauty, she is awakening for us as a human species to and we must acknowledge how unconscious and  spiritually dead we have become and how much harm we have done to all her children, especially all human children, the whales, and hedgehogs, the fur trees and the oceans. We are all her children and she is Earth Goddess. 

Dear God/dess,
We give thanks for you, you who are the earth, you who are the life giver, the Holy One, who gave life to each of us. THANK YOU! We love you, adore you, worship and praise your many Holy names. Please give safe delivery to the divine child with a new consciousness about the sacred nature of all life this Christmas season. The divine within us longs to be born.  And all the animal mothers, families and babies, we ask to open our hearts and souls to commune with all of them. We ask for your blessings on all the animals, plants and mineral life on earth.  We love you, and ask for forgiveness that we placed you so high above in our heads that we forgot that you are in us, inside our bodies and in our common home Mother Earth. We beg you to help us during this dangerous time of birth as we feel new consciousness being born here in our holy human family. We are in awe of you and feel you as intimately as with every  breath. Thank you. We praise you. We feel your holy presence and like Mother Mary our souls gives glory to your name! 
Amen, shalom and Blessed Be
The following Sunday  will be Christmas day and  we will tell the story of the birth of the Christ-Sophia divine child with the animals, angels and wise men,  Dec. 25th Sunday evening, 5 pm pot luck follows as always at 6 pm. 
SAVE THE DATE Dec. 31st, New Year's EVE, alcohol free Ritual and Reflection! Dream sharing, Guided meditation, Walking the Snake Labyrinth, Ceremony for inner healing and transformation, Bon Fire and Burning Ritual, New Life Ritual, and painting a favorite animal on our outdoor mural,  House of Prayer for all Creators, and Shamanic drumming and DANCING!!!
I love you all,
Merry Christmas.
PS Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina every Wednesday 10 am. Come rest in God/dess and ask"How is God calling me to change? What is she ask asking me to do at this time? "

Please contact us, (858) 248-5123, [email protected] and join us for regular services every Sunday at 5 pm at 13014 Calle de Las Rosas, SD, CA 92129 f ollowed by a soup pot luck, (soup will be provided) bonfire, star gazing and dancing-- weather permitting. A new kind of home/internet/radio blog church that does not  necessarily follow the "traditions" of the Christian church but celebrates the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  A safe place to share of ourselves, our feelings, our dreams, do art work, sing lively non church music, DANCE, enjoy bonfires and pot luck dinners. 
A place where everyone is safe and welcome. 
Mission Statement 
Encouraging awe and intimacy of creation and the cosmos, we explore the visual and performing arts, dreams, wisdom teachings of Christ-Sophia in the Bible and newly found gospels, prayer, social activism, and relationships as we work to care for our common home Mother Earth, in a new kind of local and global community. We are a home church  with people around the world via the Internet,  exploring a new religious story for our time.
Our vision is to spiritually awaken and raise our consciousness about the sacred nature of all life and our inter-connectredness in order to come together as a human family and 
care  for our common home and love God/dess with all our hearts, souls and minds and creation as ourselves. 

O ur Common Home Counseling Center 

Honoring intimacy in all our relations,
integrating psychology,
spirituality, ecology
and the ancient wisdom traditions.

It is time to be innovative, create community and learn how to do inner work for personal and collective healing and transformation.
Hope is alive for every crisis offers an invitation for psycho-spiritual growth and our human family is undergoing a
spiritual awakening.

We will not find solutions to our individual or global crisis with the same means we used to create our crisis. Too often we "disable the fire alarm" in our psyches or souls and go into paralysis and unconsciousness. We are in a psycho-spiritual crisis as a human family with escalating global ecologic crisis. Our Common Home Counseling Center seeks to ask what really matters. 
Walt and Bonnie services include;
Short and long term psychotherapy, Group therapy, Dream work, Trauma and addictions, Pastoral Counsleing and care of religious wounding, Spiriutal Direction, Aging and Menopaus, Past Life Regression, Pre-marital counseling, Healing Rituals, Visual and performing arts therapies, Women's and eco-feminist issues, Energy Healing
Dogs are welcome at worship and our host dog Buddy,
 is very welcoming of other dogs!
Church for our Common Home | Minister Rev. Bonnie Tarwater | [email protected] 
(858) 248-5123