Dec. 14, 2016
Volume VII | Issue No. 50

Early-term birth, single ventricle congenital heart disease (CHD), Fontan repair and neurodevelopmental/
psychiatric outcomes
Early-term birth (37-38 weeks gestation) carries an increased risk for health and development with increased admissions to a neonatal intensive care unit and subsequent neurodevelopmental and psychiatric problems.

A cross-sectional cohort retrospective comparison study of medical records from full-term and early-term adolescents with CHD who underwent the Fontan procedure indicates that those born early-term have poorer daily-life executive functions; are more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and exhibit greater psychiatric symptoms.
Prolactin levels (PRL) and suction pressure in breast feeding infants
In post-natal breast feeding mothers of full-term infants, strong breast suction pressure relates directly to PRL levels. Many factors however play a role in early breast feeding success.

Adhesive restoration ("fillings") for primary molars
From a six data base search and comparison study on survival and clinical performance of a number of materials used for managing primary molar teeth decay/cavities, it appears that a silver-reinforced glass ionomer has the worst, and materials with resin components have better and similar survival rates over 24 months

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Clinical symptoms and adverse effects associated with energy drink consumption in adolescents

A prospective study of 612 adolescents aged 12-18 years to determine the prevalence of energy drink consumption and its adverse effects indicates that 33% of adolescents frequently consume high energy drinks; they are frequently involved in high-risk behaviors and more likely to report headaches (requiring medical attention), anger, increased urination, and breathing difficulties. Many believe erroneously that it enhances school and sports performance.

Reducing radiation and cost in the treatment of Greenstick fractures of the forearm
A greenstick fracture is an incomplete, stable fracture which usually occurs in infants and young children in which a soft bone bends and breaks on one side of the bone. Clinically it is indistinguishable from a standard long bone fracture.

A retrospective analysis of 109 children (average age 6.9 years) with greenstick fractures of the forearm treated with closed reduction and cast immobilization followed for 60 days suggests that greenstick fractures of the forearm rarely require more than initial closed reduction, and with fewer follow-up examinations/radiographs would achieve significant cost savings without compromising results.
Video Feature
Predictors of asthma following severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis in early childhood

From a longitudinal observation study of 343 infants (<2 years of age) diagnosed with bronchiolitis and followed to age 6 years, it appears that the prevalence of parent diagnosed asthma is 6.1%; physician diagnosed asthma - 22.4%; atopic disorders - 36.2% and for chronic asthma therapy - 14.5%.

Predictions for chronic asthma after bronchiolitis appear to be:

1.    Male gender
2.    Family history of asthma
3.    RAST positive for dog dander
4.    Physician high severity score for bronchiolitis

Long-term outcome of classic and incomplete Periodic Fever, Aphthous ulcers, Stomatitis, Pharyngitis and Adenitis (PFAPA) Syndrome in children, after tonsillectomy

"PFAPA syndrome is a medical condition typically starting in young children in which a high fever occurs periodically at intervals of about 3 to 5 weeks, frequently accompanied by aphthous-like ulcers, pharyngitis and/or cervical adenitis".
Full bacteriological investigation is negative and while the cause is unknown it is associated with complex changes in the immune system. There appear to be no deleterious long-term effects. Typically PFAPA resolves spontaneously. Treatment is either medical or surgical.
Periodic Fever
Periodic Fever

It appears that tonsillectomy is effective treatment for those children with classic PFAPA as well as those who present at age >5 years of age with recurrent fever as the only symptom.

Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century
2016 | London, U.K.
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