Realistic Tips and Ideas for Caregivers
August 2017
Care Connection at Shepherd's Center Central promotes and supports the advancement of skills, good health, and resilience of caregivers for older adults.

We help caregivers cope with difficult matters that can complicate daily life-we also find solutions and relief for challenges of aging that involve respite, chronic illness, disability, and poverty.

Care Connection is a free, coordinated response to the special needs of caregivers for older adults through employee assistance, community partnerships, faith-community collaborations, and individualized caregiver education, planning, and support.

The We Care e-Newsletter is another way we empower caregivers throughout their caregiving journey.  Enjoy!           816-444-1122
6 Reasons to Appreciate Your Job As a Caregiver

Taking care of an aging loved one is draining, both physically and emotionally. It can be lonely, overwhelming and frustrating, and it often seems thankless. Despite all of this, family caregivers persevere and wake up every day to face new challenges. Why? Because they care.

Caregiving is the ultimate act of love. It is a selfless, generous thing to do, and one that many people wouldn't think about taking on.

Caring for Someone with Dementia? This could help you!

This unique program works with caregivers of individuals who have moderate to severe dementia and/or intellectual/developmental disabled individuals who are at risk for dementia.

The program provides caregivers coaching sessions and exercise education. The Shepherd's Center Central's professionals will train the caregiver and the participant to increase pleasant activities, and improve their communication as well as problem-solving skills. 
Medicare Share
By Kori Ross, AmeriCorps CLAIM Medicare Counselor
Marketplace health insurance and Medicare - How do they affect each other?
What are Marketplace health insurance plans?  Where can I find the Marketplace?  

How does the Marketplace affect my Medicare coverage? Can I buy Medicare plans, part D prescription drug plans, or Medicare supplemental insurance (medigap) through the Marketplace? 

What if I am currently enrolled in a Marketplace plan and need to get enrolled into Medicare? What if I keep my Marketplace plan and still enroll in Medicare?

Brain Exercises - Weird Memory Games To Improve Your Memory

Looking for some basic everyday tips to keep your mind sharp?  This short video has simple things you can do and many would be fun to do with your loved one. You may want to skip the dark room exercise.  No need to risk a fall. 
Have fun and keep sharp!

Brain Exercises
Brain Exercises
Money Milestones: How to manage your savings once you become a parent's caregiver
By Alessandra Malito   

When a loved one gets sick, becoming a primary caregiver is the only option for some family members - and it is a daunting job with serious emotional and mental effects, as well as financial stresses. Family caregivers spend an average of almost $7,000 a year in  out-of-pocket costs . Some family members may be taking on the financial burden of extra medical bills, but others might have to reduce the amount they work (and therefore earn) or quit their jobs entirely. Caregiving can be a thankless job, but many family members just couldn't think of saying no to their loved ones, although that can mean sacrificing their  own needs .
READ MORE         

Community Classes and Workshops

There are many classes and workshops available in the Kansas City Area that will assist you as a caregiver.  CLICK HERE to see what is available over the next few months.
We Have More Information to Share  
Remember...The Care Connection at Shepherd's Center Central is here to help anyone who is concerned about an aging parent, loved one, neighbor, or friend who needs referrals to resources, care planning, practical advice, guidance in balancing work and family, or stress relief. 
The Kansas City Caregiver Support Line provides resources and referrals for caregivers of older adults. Call 816-444-1122
Click for info on:    Care Connection
Consider a Planned Gift. Please donate. 

Please consider making a charitable bequest to Shepherd's Center of Kansas City Central in your will. Legacy gifts provide future support for charity. Any individual, at any time, can create a legacy gift. It can be as easy as naming a charity on the beneficiary form of a savings, checking or pension account, or through a more complex instrument such as a trust. 

To make a bequest to SCC, simply include these words in your will:
"I give to Shepherd Center of Kansas City Central, a
non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, located in Kansas City,
MO, __% of my estate for general purposes."

To create a residual charitable bequest, use these words:
"All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both
real and personal, I give to Shepherd Center of Kansas
City Central, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, located
in Kansas City, MO, for its general purposes." 
Shepherd's Center Central |  816-444-1122 |
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