During the holiday season, one custom that is shared across many 
religious  and cultural
traditions ranging from Christmas, to Hanukkah to Kwanzaa is the act of giving to others, so I thought it would be a good time to look at the concept of giving. 

 Curious?...once you back away from the commercial aspect of giving, what comes to your mind? Wondering if you think it is possible to spend a fortune on gifting and still miss the happiness of giving?

During this time of year, the phrase "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35) is quoted a lot during this time of year.  Wondering if you believe in this principle?  And, if you do, I am curious if you have wondered what kind of giving is the most valuable? And what kind of giving really produces that deep, deep sense of happiness that eclipses receiving?

I truly believe that the kind of giving that generates happiness does not go on sale at the end of the year, nor is it even for sale.  You really cannot put a price tag on it, nor can it be mass produced.  And, it certainly does not require gift wrapping.  I'm not saying that I have a problem with gift giving, because I really don't.  I just feel, in my heart, that the real concept of giving, cannot be commercialized. 

I would like to share a few examples of giving that I feel can provide a sense of happiness and satisfaction beyond the retailers bottom line.

*  Honesty:
  When you give others the gift of being honest with them, you honor them while also honoring yourself.  To be honest with others requires that you be honest with yourself.  What an incredibly, fabulous and far reaching gift honesty is! 
*   Respect:  Doesn't everyone want to be treated with respect? And, have you noticed what typically happens when you give someone the gift of respect?  What I have noticed is that most of the time it is returned to me.  And it truly gives me a sense of happiness when someone treats me respectfully. How about for you?
*  Openness:  By this I mean allowing others access to the real you.  It's the complete opposite of being guarded or secretive .  When we give the gift of openness, we make ourselves receptive to inquiries, suggestions, or ideas. It means being willing to relate to the other person in a way that goes beyond impersonal small talk.  Allowing ourselves to be "real", can provide the basis for new opportunities to experience happiness.
*  Concern:  I'm wondering if the world was full of people wondering "what's in it for me", what outstanding gift we would be able to give them? What if we were to become interested in them as a person.  Doesn't it feel good and contribute to your happiness when someone genuinely expresses concern for you?  Doesn't it feel heartwarming?  When we take a moment to listen and empathize with another person, we are giving them a gift of great value.
*  Enthusiasm:  Does it seem like the stress of life has stripped many people of their feelings of passion and excitement, both of which contribute to happiness?   Are you wondering what gift you would be able to give them to help combat their feelings of apathy and perhaps provide a jolt of positive energy?  How about some genuine enthusiasm?  Have you ever noticed how contagious enthusiasm can be?  What if you were to demonstrate a little excitement toward someone else's efforts, accomplishments and/or acts of kindness?  Do you feel it would be encouraging? 
*  Assistance: Everybody needs a helping hand from time to time.  This is a fabulous
way to make good use of your experience, talents or assets.  Yes, there will be times when people ask for your help.....and why wait?  Why not offer to help when you sense a feeling that they might need help?  Even if they refuse your help, the fact that you offered, can be quite a meaningful gesture.
*  Time: This is a biggie, because I believe time, is the most valuable asset any of us has.  I'm, not suggesting that we give away vast amounts of our time indiscriminately.  I do feel there are those who deserve our time and I feel it is important to make ourselves available to them.  At the top of the list is our family.  Giving the gift of time to our partner and children is one of the best investments, I feel, we will ever make in their happiness. 
 Are you curious what all these different ways to give have in common?  
Well....they all come from the heart.  This I believe, is the true essence of the kind of giving that creates happiness for the giver and the one receiving.  When we choose to give from our hearts, we put ourselves in line to experience a deeply rewarding truth of "there is really more happiness in giving than there is in receiving".

Do you feel a connection between happiness and giving?
How does giving out of obligation compare with giving from the heart?

Sending you much Love from my Heart to Yours.... ,
Joanie xo

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