Loading the donation of 1,190 Feminist and Lesbian Books from Lori Mennella, Nov 21 2016 |
Welcome to the AQA's first volume of The Noteworthy, which is the monthly update of the Arizona Queer Archives of the UA Institute for LGBT Studies.
I am thrilled to share what we've been up this semester as I have been traveling to conferences in LA, Montreal, Denver, and Phoenix and presenting on my research and practice in the archives and with its collections, records creators, participatory ethos, and the ways it has become an archival 'test kitchen' where archival theory and practice collide with queer theory and queer material lives. Of course, it's a messy endeavor. Just ask Adela and Alma at the UA Institute for LGBT Studies as they regularly peek into the open archives door. With the ongoing help of Harrison Apple, Grey Peckham, and Lizeth Zepeda, the AQA is closer and closer to being accessible. We are organizing, labeling, stacking, describing, digitizing, and uploading collections to the AQA online repository at
www.azqueerarchives.org. If you haven't been there yet, please take some time to watch oral history interviews that I started collecting in 2008 and that others in the community are now collecting after being trained on the digital video camera equipment.
This is an exciting time to be a part of making the AQA the place for our LGBTQI and queer histories. How can you participate? How do you want to be remembered? Think about it.
Jamie A. Lee
Founding Director/Archivist, Arizona Queer Archives
Jamie A. Lee, Ph.D.
Jamie A. Lee is the founding director and archivist of the Arizona Queer Archives. As Assistant Professor in the UA School of Information, her scholarly work pushes at the intersections
archival studies, media studies, digital and visual culture, information, and society
Harrison Apple, Ph.D. Student
Harrison Apple is a Ph.D. student in the UA Gender and Women's Studies Department and a graduate research assistant at the Institute for LGBT Studies/AQA. Their research is about working class LGBT history, gender studies, and archival studies.
Grey Peckham, Intern
Grey Peckham is senior at City High School in downtown Tucson and Intern at the Arizona Queer Archives. He is an invaluable member of the archives team. He has been responsible for digitization projects, collection cataloging, and finding aid creation.
Lizeth Zepeda, MLIS
Lizeth Zepeda, an MLIS graduate of the University of Arizona, and Knowledge River Scholar, is an archivist at the Arizona Historical Society. Her interests include working with traditionally underdocumented communities, outreach programming, Spanish-language
materials and queer archives.
'Made for Flight' Goes DIGITAL!
Wingspan LGBT Community Center's 51 Boxes Accessible Spring 2017!
The now defunct Wingspan LGBT Community Center's organizational collection consisting of 51 boxes is currently being described with help from staff, graduate students, interns, and community volunteers. Finding aids will be made available in the early spring.
Stay tuned...
What's a Finding Aid?
A finding aid is document created by the archive to describe the history, scope, and content of a collection. It is an essential tool for guiding researchers to the primary source information they need.
Lesbian Looks Historic Poster Collection
UA School of Theatre, Film & Television Professor Bev Seckinger has donated her personal collection of posters from the Lesbian Looks Film Festival, a flagship community outreach event through the
LGBT Studies Executive Committee
From the very first screening in 1993 through the 2014 season, posters/fliers were a crucial promotional tool for the Series (though since 2015, it's all-digital promotions). The collection of posters, fliers and programs represents over twenty years of lesbian/queer media and history, reflecting the issues, identities and voices that emerged in the course of this fertile period of change.
Video Postcards from the mid-1970s
Leslie Carlson, active member of the Feminists in the Media group of the 1970s, donated her 'Video Postcard' collection on October 18, 2016. This collection consists of a number of ¾" videotapes that they produced in Tucson and then mailed as an exchange with other women and feminists beginning to work in media in California and New York. Thanks to Professor Ken McAllister and the Learning Games Initiative and experimental media archives, the videotapes have been digitized and will soon be available through the AQA online repository.
Pulp Fiction
On November 21, 2016, Jamie A. Lee and Harrison Apple picked up a donation from Lori Menella consisting of 1,190 Lesbian and Feminist books from her and her partner Tori's personal library. All 24 boxes were filled with literature that has informed their lives. Catalogs will be made available through the AQA online repository when we've shelved them. Stay tuned...
Kites are Soaring at the PCPL
'Made for Flight' kites were circulating through the Pima County Public Library, where they are being displayed for the month of November in recognition of Transgender Awareness. Go downtown to see the kites in person and add your personal note to the kite tails.
Queer POV - P. Carl's Eyeglass Collection
P. Carl's collection of 30 pairs of eyeglasses were on display for a brief AQA presentation given by Jamie A. Lee in Creative Writing Professor Ander Monson's graduate course on Collections.
As we wind down 2016, please consider making a financial gift to the AQA through the UA Institute for LGBT Studies. Your generosity helps us to cover costs for archival materials, labor, and ongoing community outreach. We're building our histories together and we want you to be a part of it.
from all of us at the Arizona Queer Archives:
Jamie, Harrison, Grey, and Lizeth
and our supporting cast at the UA Institute for LGBT Studies:
Adela, Alma, Kristen, Dani, and JP.