Never Underestimate the Power of the Disability Community

Last night, the U.S. Senate failed to pass a dangerous bill that would have been devastating to people with disabilities and their families (you can read The Arc's statement about it here). At stake was access to health care for millions of people and massive cuts to Medicaid.  

This victory is because of you! For months, disability rights activists have been calling their Members of Congress, sharing their stories, showing up to rallies and town hall events - and it made all the difference. The Arc is deeply grateful to each and every one of you for all your hard work to protect Medicaid. 

We celebrate last night's victory. We remain vigilant, and as we continue our advocacy efforts, The Arc is proud to be with you in this fight!

The Arc of New Jersey thanks everyone who participated in our action alerts, contacted members of the state's congressional delegation, and helped spread the word during this difficult battle. We value your commitment and your advocacy!