Smart Start of Mecklenburg County and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library are working together to bring books to Mecklenburg County’s youngest children through funding provided by the North Carolina General Assembly.

During the 2017 legislative session, North Carolina state lawmakers included $3.5 million in the first year of the budget and $7 million in the second year for the Smart Start network to offer free books through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to children across the state. This program was created to foster a love of reading among children aged birth to five through the gift of a specially selected book delivered right to their home each month.

Smart Start of Mecklenburg County began implementing The Dolly Parton Imagination Library (DPIL) Program in 2015 with private dollars. Smart Start of Mecklenburg County (SSMC) has been awarded state funding to expand the existing DPIL program of 2,800 children to reach an additional 20,000 children county wide. 

In order to ensure that all 70,716 children in our community younger than 5 can enroll, please consider an annual donation of $30 to sponsor a child in this program. Smart Start of Mecklenburg County’s goal is to have this program in every home in Mecklenburg County.
NoDa Brewery to host a Brews & Books Kick-Off Event on November 10 th at 4pm
NoDa Brewing Company has been a financial supporter of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Mecklenburg County since 2015. This year, however they have stepped up in a BIG way and funded all 672 existing children enrolled in the program that live in the two shared zip codes as NoDa Brewing Company locations. Supporting their community has always been a priority for Todd & Suzie Ford, owners of NoDa Brewing Company. They understand that the development of children in our county is incredibly important, so they teamed up with  Smart Start of Mecklenburg County  to make sure that children 0-5 have access to free books through Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Mecklenburg County !

“Smart Start of Mecklenburg County is grateful and honored to be a partner with the owners and staff of NoDa Brewing Company to get high quality books in the hands of young children, delivered directly to their homes, through their support of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. It is gratifying to have community partners, like NoDa Brewing Company, that share the passion that we have for increasing early childhood literacy opportunities in our community.” Nancy Hughes, Executive Director at Smart Start of Mecklenburg County.

It only costs $30 to support one child for an ENTIRE YEAR! NoDa Brewing Company has committed to the children in their backyard (28205 and 28206), and they are challenging the community to do the same! 

Please join us as we kick-off the Brews & Books campaign in the NoDa Brewing Company tap room on November 10th! In addition to parents bringing their children by to sign-up for the program, there will be live music from  John Dungan , grub from  TIN Kitchen , plenty of tasty beer and an awesome raffle; For every child you support ($30) you'll receive one entry to a great prize (a night's stay a local hotel, a gift card for dinner and some other great surprises)!

If you can't make the event, you can still support the cause by sharing the Books & Brews campaign Facebook event and donate.

Learn more about the campaign  here  and the kick-off event  here
Unstable Child Care Can Affect
Children by Age 4
Research from UNC’s Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) reveals that disruptions in child care negatively affect children’s social development as early as age 4. However, the study also shows that the effects of child care instability are not unduly large—and some types of instability appear to have no negative impact on children.

“Our findings showed that when young children moved between child care settings, these transitions negatively affected their social adjustment,” said FPG investigator Mary Bratsch-Hines. “But when children had a history of changing caregivers within the same setting, we found no significant effects.”

Bratsch-Hines explained many experts believe forming stable and secure early relationships with parents and caregivers serves as a working model for children as they form social connections later.
#GivingTuesdayCLT - November 28
After battling the crowds and getting amazing deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, wouldn’t it feel great to DO GOOD right here in Charlotte?

Here’s your chance. Giving Tuesday, coming up on Nov. 28, is a global day dedicated to giving. In Charlotte we’re celebrating #GivingTuesdayCLT from Nov. 14-28 with more than 230 other local nonprofits. Together we’re working for two weeks to raise $10,000,000 for our community!

Last year #GivingTuesdayCLT was the largest community-wide Giving Tuesday campaign EVER, raising $7.2 million for 174 nonprofits. 
This is going to be an amazing time of giving, unlike anything Charlotte has seen before - and you can help!

Smart Start of Meklenburg County has a goal of raising $6,000 during this years #GivingTuesdayCLT campaign to cover the enrollment costs of 200 children in The Dolly Parton Imagination Library program.

Like us on social media and share our posts (don’t forget to use the hashtag #GivingTuesdayCLT). Forward this email to friends so they can help spread the word.
Make a gift of funds or goods to Smart Start of Mecklenburg County by clicking the below link.
Triple P Parenting Tip of the Month
Talk to your child about things he/she is
interested in and talk about your day too. 

Join our FREE Monthly GPS Parent Workshop For Families of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) 
Funded Program
Nurse-Family Partnership at Care Ring improves the health, well-being and self-sufficiency of low-income, first-time parents and their children by providing intensive parenting education and support. Mothers receive home visits from registered nurses beginning prior to the 28th week of pregnancy until the child is two years of age.
Nurse-Family Partnership at Care Ring
601 E. 5th St., Suite 140 - Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone: 704-375-0172

Smart Start of Mecklenburg County administers approximately $13 million a year in state and private funds to programs serving children birth to age five, their families, and their caregivers in Mecklenburg County. 

 Thank You!

Thank You for all you do to Ensure that ALL Children in Mecklenburg County Enter School Healthy and Ready to Succeed!