December 2015
Together, We Made It Through 2015

* You've experienced difficult situations you thought you would never get through. And yet you did make it through.

There have been times when challenges seemed to completely overwhelm you. And though you thought you might never overcome them, you did.

You've suffered losses you thought you'd never be able to get beyond. And as painful as they were, you found a way to move forward.

So here you are now, stronger, wiser, with valuable skills, knowledge and experience. Every difficulty that has come, you've made it through, and have grown as a result.

Yes, there will likely be more rough times ahead, and perhaps you're going through some particularly difficult ones right now. So it's good to remind yourself of those times when you couldn't see yourself making it through, and yet you did.

There's really never any reason to doubt yourself, for each time the challenges seemed insurmountable, you made it through. And even more importantly, going forward, you will again.*

Together, We Made It Through 2015 Together, we—the Rebecca's Dream family of loyal supporters and dedicated Board of Directors—made it through to our 10th anniversary year. Yes, we sometimes doubted ourselves...but we never doubted our mission and vision to promote awareness and compassionate understanding of depression and bipolar disorder as real diseases.

Yes, during the past 10 years, we experienced painful, difficult situations and felt overwhelmed...but we made it through, growing stronger and wiser, and we've continued CHANGING THE FACE OF DEPRESSION.

As we bid farewell to the old year and prepare to welcome the new one, Rebecca's Dream vows to walk by your side come what may. Whatever rough times may lie ahead, we vow to continue fighting the important fight to reduce and, ultimately, end the stigma of mental illness. We vow to go forward into our next 10 years with energy, enthusiasm, and endurance to tackle the big issues of misinformation and misguided beliefs about those living with depression and bipolar disease.

The past 10 years have shown us the strong stuff we all are made of. And they have shown us that, together, we can surmount what seems insurmountable. And so, together, we will make it through to 2016....and beyond. And together, we will forge ahead, pushing on toward our end goal of CHANGING THE FACE OF DEPRESSION.

During this holiday season, Rebecca's Dream wishes you and yours all of life's blessings.

And, together with you, we look forward to 2016 with confidence and hope...ONWARD!!!

With infinite love and gratitude,

Gail, Norm, and the RD Board of Directors

*Ralph Marston, "The Daily Motivator," December 1, 2015

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Mental Health News

Catch up on the latest news headlines about mental health, bipolar disorder and depression in the Rebecca's Dream newsroom.

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Young Adult Podcast

How do you decide when, and with whom, to share a mental health diagnosis? Listen to the "Should I or Shouldn't I" podcast.

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Rebecca's Dream was established in 2005 in celebration of the life of Rebecca Lynn Cutler, a journalist who succumbed to depression and bipolar disorder at age 30. Rebecca's family and friends continue her personal mission to help others receive proper treatment and needed support.

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