All are welcome to the All Souls' Mass of Remembrance tonight at 7:30 pm
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

These past three weeks we have looked at Discipleship through the lens of Service, Gifts and Spirit. The first week we heard from parishioners who talked about the ministries they were involved in at the parish. I would like to thank Georgia Burke, Lisa Koehl, Mike Sims and Claire & Grace McDermott for sharing their stories of service with us. Their testimonies inspired parishioners to get involved at the parish and in our wider community. To learn about opportunities to serve at the parish, please click here! I would also like to thank the 13 people who have signed up to volunteer so far.

The second week we talked about Gifts; specifically, how we use our financial resources to further the mission of St. Josaphat Parish. I am very grateful for the wonderful response we received from parishioners who either signed up to make a regular Sunday Offering through GiveCentral or increased their Sunday Offering. To date, we have had 13 (different!) people sign up totaling an additional $420 per week. Thank you! Regular giving really helps us manag our budget more effectively.  If you would like to sign up to make your Sunday Offering electronically through GiveCentral, please click here!

Last week we talked about Spirit, which is to say, our relationship with God.  At all of the Masses last week, I invited you to fill out a brief survey to help me understand how I can serve you better as your new pastor. As I write this, we have already received over 90 responses. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey (average time = 7 minutes). If you would like to participate, you can find the survey by clicking here!

Your input will help me to create an evangelization plan that meets your needs and takes into consideration the realities of your daily life.

I am extremely excited about where God is leading our parish. I know the Holy Spirit is at work in each of us helping is to become Disciples of Jesus Christ. By working together to build God's Kingdom and support St. Josaphat Parish, we will ensure that St. Josaphat remains a vibrant parish and a "Church to come home to" for many years to come.
 Your Brother in Christ,

Important Upcoming Dates!

Thursday, November 2nd - Barnes & Noble Day
Thursday, November 2nd - All Souls Day 7:30 pm Candlelight Mass
November 4 - 5 - Boomers' Clothing Drive
Wednesday, November 8th - Chipotle Dine Around
Saturday, November 11th - New Parishioner 5:00 pm Mass and Reception
Sunday, November 19th - Winter Athletes Blessing at 10:00 am Mass

Barnes & Noble Book Fair Today!
Come to the book fair at Barnes & Noble on Clybourn today until 8 pm.
Or until Tuesday on (use Bookfair ID 12227070)

20-25% of sales goes back to SJS
Bring Pictures of Your Deceased Loved Ones for our Altar of Remembrance
And remember your loved ones by entering them into the Book of Remembrance at the side altar of the church.  Your intentions will be remembered at Masses throughout the month of November.
Bring Clothes this Weekend
The Boomers Plus Club will be collecting clothing for Marillac St. Vincent Family Services Outreach Program at all Masses this weekend.
Dine Around Next Wednesday at Chipotle
Dine at Chipotle on Clybourn on 11/08 from 12 - 10 pm. 50% of proceeds go to St. Josaphat School!

New Parishioner Mass and Reception 11/11 at 5:00 pm Mass
Join us as we welcome our new parishioners!
Winter Athlete Blessing
All parishioner athletes are invited to a winter sports athlete blessing at the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday, 11/19.  Wear your team gear!
Unity Gala
Save the date for our parish's largest fundraiser -- Sat 2/10! W e need YOUR HELP for o pportunities large and small!   Contact Stephanie Samz, at  [email protected]
Tots Playgroup
St. Josaphat Tots Playgroup meets in the Fireplace Room every Thursday from 10 - 11 AM and welcomes all children and caregivers! Join us for playtime, a treat, and conversation!