Home of the Falcons! 
"Fountain Hills Middle School empowers students to learn, to care, and to succeed."

"Four Peaks Elementary School is committed to empowering students to achieve  
success by providing high quality instruction."
Principal's Message                                   December 9, 2016
Congratulations to Ms. Sophia Otonoga, who has been named the Four Peaks Rotary Club Teacher of the Month!

Ms. Otonoga teaches resource classes to Middle School students and does an excellent job encouraging struggling learners to persevere and work hard on something they just don't like: Math!

One eighth grade student says, "It's never boring in that class. She lets us take our time to understand new math." Students like how she makes it easy to learn because she teaches it "one step at a time and she explains it really good!" Her students think she's practically one of them, but they know she means business and that there's no messing around when it comes to showing your work and explaining how you got your answer to the whole class.

Ms. Otonoga's kind heart shows in her daily lessons. She is an experienced teacher who recognizes a challenge and is able to conquer the insecurities of her students and light within them new confidence as learners. Although math is front and center of her every moment in class, you can feel the positive energy within her encouraging words and with every nudge. Ms. Otonoga is one of the good ones and she's ours at FHMS!

Anita Gomez

Special Announcements
See what is happening at our schools

Kiwanis Falcon Leaders

Congratulations to this month's Kiwanis Falcon Leaders, Emma Luke and Torrey Jenkins.  Way to go!

Spirit Week Holiday Edition

Wed, Dec. 14 - HOLIDAY HAT DAY
Thur, Dec.15 - ELF DAY (WEAR RED & GREEN)

Middle School Dance and Four Peaks Party

The FHMS Snow Ball and Four Peaks Blizzard Bash will be Thurs, Dec. 15 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. (Please note the change in start time.) Permission slips will be required to attend this event. Students must turn in a completed permission slip and $15 to Mrs. Beck in the front office no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13. This cost covers pizza, punch, soda, and water plus dessert, ample supervision, and fun! Permission slips were sent home with all students this week. Extra permission slips are available at the front office or may be downloaded HERE.

7th Grade Photography

The 7th grade Photography class has been distorting reality! By using the technique of forced perspective, they have been creating wild optical illusions.

Order in the Court

The seventh grade class has been participating in a mock trial. The prosecution and defense teams prepared and executed direct examination and cross examination of witnesses. The judge determined whether objections should be sustained or overruled. The jury had the task of listening to the witnesses while taking notes to aid in deciding on a verdict. They did a great job determining if there was actual evidence to support the case. The class as a whole decided that preparation was the key to a winning case!


Middle School Cross Country

The Middle School Cross Country team had their first meet on November 30 at FHHS. They had 8 schools (16 teams) participate. Our boys team placed 3rd overall. Pretty good for a brand new team! Sixth grader, Sam Goodman, placed 3rd in the boys race, with an impressive time of 12:25. 

Four Peaks Chess Club

Open to any Four Peaks student
Meets every Thursday  (7:35am - 8:35am)
January 19 - April 20, 2017
Tuition $189
Sponsored by Chess Emporium

To register or for questions: See the attached FLYER or go to chessemporium.com/clubs.

Looking Ahead
View upcoming events of the week ahead
12/13/2016 Softball Game @ FHMS (3:30 pm)

Baseball Game (white team) @ FHMS (3:30 pm)

This is NOT an early release Wednesday - dismissal at regular times. 

Cross Country Meet @ Horizon Honors (4:00 pm)

FHMS Snow Ball and Four Peaks Blizzard Bash
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Students must be picked up promptly at 8:00 pm

12/16/2016 Half-day early release
MS release time is 11:45 am
FP release time is 12:40 pm

End of Q2 & S1 Grading Terms
Grades will be posted in PowerSchool on Wed., Jan. 4

12/19/2016 -

Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
Students Return

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15414 N. McDowell Mountain Rd., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 480.664.5400