Onondaga Pathways to Careers (OPC) at Onondaga Community College (OCC)
…for Young People with Disabilities
Engaging our Scholars

OPC Scholars and staff have begun to meet monthly. During these meetings, Scholars participate in engaging activities that will help them to plan their transition from high school to college. Below is a description of the Scholars' activities for each month this fall:

In November, the Scholars:

  • Received a "primer" on college admissions
  • Reviewed OCC's application process
  • Learned about financial aid, FAFSA and paying for college
  • Had their individual questions answered

In December, the Scholars:

  • Reviewed different types of disabilities
  • Practiced self-advocacy by describing their own disability in writing
  • Described the accommodations they use to help them be successful
  • Presented information about their disability to the group
In January, t he Scholars will begin to:
  • Look at their own skills, interests and personalities and understand how they align with different career fields
  • Explore different careers, including educational requirements and life-long earnings potential
  • Identify expectations for the workplace
Jason Benetti presents "Media and Disability: Fighting First Impressions"
Jason Benetti is a television sports play-by-play announcer . He also has Cerebral Palsy. Benetti visited OCC in November to deliver a presentation called "Media and Disability: Fighting First Impressions." 

Benetti spoke about the media industry. He described the "snap judgments" that many decisions are based on. He also shared stories about some of his experiences on television, on the road and in life.

Benetti's message was powerful. It was geared toward understanding and shattering first impressions.

Benetti's visit was part of a Fall Speaker Series that was hosted by OPC. The series provided various disability awareness events to the OCC community.

A captioned video of Benetti's presentation will be available soon. You will be able to find it on the Onondaga Pathways to Careers website.
Savvy Students Learn About Secret to Success
Over 1600 students have learned about the secret to success. That’s the number of savvy learners who took advantage of free services at the Learning Center this Fall.
  • Spring 2017 will be here before you know it.
  • Tutoring will begin early in the semester.
  • Plan ahead to make the most of the extra help.
  • Help is available to all students.

  • To get started, register for our services at www.sunyocc.edu/learningcenter.

  • Using your OCC email address (username@clasnet.sunyocc.edu), create an account

  • Then search for an appointment or enroll in a workshop. 
Good luck on your finals! And, heartfelt congratulations to our December graduates. Go out and rock the world!
Coming Soon...

Register for Spring 2017 Classes!

New OCC students who plan to register for Spring 2017 classes:

You may now participate in OCC's combined orientation program. 

The program will be offered on the following dates:

Tuesday, January 3rd

Wednesday, January 4th

Thursday, January 5th

Saturday, January 7th

  For more information, contact: occinfo@sunyocc.edu
Training - Skills - Jobs
This newsletter was developed under the Onondaga Community College Pathways to Careers Initiative funded through a cooperative agreement from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (Number #OD-. OD-26453-14-75-4-36.)
Onondaga Pathways to Careers| 315-498-2945 | OPC@sunyocc.edu | Sunyocc.edu/opc