Dear GNF Members and Friends,

We are pleased to share updates below from two of our grantees: FACE Africa and Last Mile Health. The momentum of their work to support the health of Liberians continues to build.

On Tuesday , October 6th, Saran Kaba Jones will speak over lunch at the Santa Barbara Club. Reserve your seat -- This free lecture and lunch has limited seating!  RSVP via email.

Click here  for the full report.

Click here for the full report. 

FACE Africa made it on to Glob al Giving!!   FACE Africa has secured a permanent spot on

From the FACE Africa newsletter:
The summer months are a rainy season in Liberia, which prevents active project construction due to poor road conditions. We have instead spent the summer months conducting assessments, advocating for better WASH provision at the county and national 
level, organizing logistics, and coordinating the plans for our next phase of projects with local authorities. 

Upon resumption of the dry season, FACE Africa will launch our next phase of construction. The eventual aim is for every school in Rivercess to have the vital infrastructure needed to keep schoolchildren safe. At the same time, FACE Africa will be expanding our hygiene education and awareness program, working to train teachers, school staff and PTA members on school hygiene protocols. We will also directly teach children the value of safe water, hand washing, basic hygiene and sanitation, and support the formation of student-led WASH clubs.

Click  here  for the full FACE Africa newsletter.


From the Last Mile Health newsletter:
The successes of last quarter have contextualized Last Mile Health's (LMH)work in Liberia for the last eight years, and will play a large part in defining the next seven. Supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) to plan and fund a national Community Health Worker (CHW) program reflects the belief that the most effectual way for people living in remote areas of Liberia to access health care is through an effective government-led health service that meets their needs. Recruiting CHWs to serve Rivercess County and the area of Gboe-Ploe represents continued commitment to implement a program that reaches the hardest to reach places to provide access to health care. 

Scale-up of the CHW model with LMH's standard primary health curricula is being rolled out across Rivercess County in two phases. Nearly 100 CHWs were recruited in June to serve in three health districts: Yarnee, Central C, and Jowien. Approximately 50 additional CHWs will be recruited in November and December 

The LMH Monitoring & Evaluation team recently published a paper in the Journal of Global Health, titled Remoteness and maternal and child health service utilization in rural Liberia: A population-based survey. John Kraemer, M&E senior technical advisor and contributing author, described how "it's no surprise that those who live in rural areas are less likely to seek essential care from a health care facility, but for those at the farthest distances the disparity in maternal and child services is staggering... our study illuminates new opportunities for the health system to close this gap." 

Click  here for the full Last Mile Health update.

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Global Neighborhood Fund
C/O Santa Barbara Foundation 

1111 Chapala Street Suite 200
Santa Barbara, CA, California 93101