October 31, 2017
2017 Skipping Summit Was Amazing!
The 2017 Skipping Summit Committee would like to thank all the athletes, coaches, parents and volunteers for making the weekend at Sacred Heart School in Wetaskiwin a huge success. We had 90 athletes from across Alberta attend the summit...

Rec Skipping Workshop
Camrose Spirals is holding a recreational skipping workshop. It is open to the general public as well as current rec skippers.

Small group jump rope instructions with our amazing athlete instructors, nutritious snacks & beverages, and an event goodie bag! 

-- Registration Deadline: November 1st
-- No previous jump rope experience required!
-- Ages 5+ (boys and girls)

This is a great way to learn about the sport of jump rope in a relaxed and fun environment! 

Where:  Camrose, AB
When: Saturday, November 18, 2017
Time:  9am - 12pm OR 1pm - 4pm
Cost: $45 ($46 for non RSA members)
Register: for more information and to register, please visit www.camrosespirals.com
Female Athlete Triad
At the 2017 RSA Skipping Summit, physiotherapist Julianna Bourne spoke about the Female Athlete Triad. The Female Athlete Triad is a syndrome of three interrelated conditions:

1. Energy Deficiency with or without Disordered Eating
2. Menstrual Disturbances/Amenorrhea
3. Bone Loss/Osteoporosis

It was recognized that the independent effect of each condition was serious but when combined was potentially lethal.

For more information about the Female Athlete Triad, visit http://www.femaleathletetriad.org or read Dr. Vicki Harber's report, The Female Athlete Perspective: Coach/Parent/Administrator Guide.
35 Snack Solutions for Athletes
We often hear athletes declare that they’re hungry. For some it could be hourly, while for others it’s only close to meal times. Because athletes typically have more muscle mass than inactive individuals, they tend to have a high metabolism, which causes them to need more calories and to be hungry often. This is where snacks come in. [Read more]
The Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference (#SLS17) is Canada’s conference for coaches, researchers, sport executives, and administrators. It consists of three full days of learning, professional development, and networking with the top minds and leaders of the Canadian sport, business, and education communities. 

The conference will strengthen leadership in the Canadian sport system with the following objectives:

  • Educate delegates through collaborative and quality breakout sessions with tangible take-away skills; 
  • Inspire delegates with topical and respected keynote speakers; 
  • Unite colleagues from sport organizations and energize and broaden potential networks of interest; and
  • Recognize and celebrate Canada’s top coaches at the Petro-Canada Sport Leadership Awards Gala. 

Grant Opportunities - InMotion Network
Girls in Motion & Women in Motion - December 1 Deadlines
Girls in Motion is a "girl-friendly" program that provides high-quality recreational, sport/physical activity programs specifically for girls ages 10-14 in Alberta. Girls in Motion programs are community run and organized and are made to order based on the needs of individual communities. Communities are encouraged to apply for a grant to address the needs of inactive girls and those girls who are unable to access activity programs due to limitations of income, location, culture, family, perceived ability etc. Click for more information on the Girls in Motion Grants.
Women in Motion is a "female-friendly" program that provides high-quality recreational, sport/physical activity programs specifically for Women in Alberta. Women in Motion programs are community run and organized and are made to order based on the needs of individual communities. Communities are encouraged to apply for a grant to address the needs of inactive women and those women who are unable to access activity programs due to limitations of income, location, culture, family, perceived ability etc. Click for more information on the Women in Motion Grants.
Judging Training
Our judging trainers are holding another clinic for all Alberta judges. This training clinic will be held in Leduc.

December 2 from 9am - 5pm
December 3 from 9am - 2pm

R  egister by NOVEMBER 30 in Pk
Club Corner
Clubs, this is your chance to share what you are doing!

Please send along news of what your team is doing, successes, demos - whatever you would like to share with the rope skipping community! If you were featured in the media, send along a link to the story. 

Stories can be sent to  Rope Skipping Alberta .

And remember - everyone loves photos of teams in action!
We Need YOU!

In order to keep the forward momentum, we are asking that anyone who is willing to help organize the 2018 Skipping Summit please forward your name to Rope Skipping Alberta via email ( [email protected] ) by the end of 2017. We would like to have the new committee in place by the new year.
Upcoming Events
  • November 2017: Board of Directors Meeting
  • December 2-3, 2017: RSA Judges Training (Leduc)
  • February 3-4, 2018: RSA Team Competition (Fort Saskatchewan)
  • March 3-4, 2018: RSA Masters Competition (Calgary) tentative date
  • April 7-8, 2018: 2018 Alberta Rope Skipping Championships (Camrose)
  • May 18-21, 2018: 2018 Rope Skipping Canada National Championships (Windsor)

Rope Skipping Alberta's Board of Directors typically meets on the first Sunday of each month, with some variations due to holidays.
Add me to your distribution list!
Our newsletter is being piloted as a way to more effectively communicate events and opportunities with our membership.

To be added to Rope Skipping Alberta's e-newsletter distribution list, click here .
As a member of Rope Skipping Alberta, you are receiving this newsletter to keep you informed about events and programs impacting the development of rope skipping in Alberta. This newsletter is being piloted as a way to more effectively communicate events and opportunities with our membership. It will be usually be circulated approximately bi-monthly and will highlight rules and technical developments, athlete and coaching information, officials training, club information, and more!

Any feedback about the newsletter can be sent to [email protected]. If you wish to unsubscribe, this can be done through the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter.