Fostering and Sustaining Multidisciplinary, Family-Focused Care Across the Life-Course in the United Kingdom: A White Rose Collaboration
White Rose University Consortium between the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and York was created in 1997 to encourage collaboration in research, enterprise, innovation, and learning and teaching. IFNA member,
Dr. Veronica Swallow (UK) at the University of Leeds and her colleagues from the University of York and the University of Sheffield recently received funding for a
12 month project to address multidisciplinary, family-focused care across the life-span.
A small group of 30 family nursing scholars, including invited family nursing leaders
Dr. Kathleen Knafl and
Dr. Marcia Van Riper
Dr. Birte Østergaard (Denmark),
Dr. Linda Shields (Australia), along with Dr. Veronica Swallow and several other IFNA members,
met at the University of Leeds on November 7 and 8, 2016 for a workshop. The participants also included graduate students, patients, and family caregivers from the UK. The workshop, combined with the literature review that is underway, will significantly shape future collaborative research grant applications that are planned by the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and York.
Storify summary of the tweets generated by participants at the White Rose Collaboration workshop was collated by graduate student and IFNA member,
Simon Stones (UK).
Dr. Jennifer Bambusch (Canada) focuses on how nurses and other care providers can improve the inclusion of families in long-term care facilities. Her work was recently recognized with a 2016 Award for Advancing Nursing Knowledge and Research from the Association of Registered Nurses of British Columbia.
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For more IFNA Practice News
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Wilma Schroeder (Canada) promotes family nursing in undergraduate nursing education and has developed several family nursing educational resources including a Family Nursing Lab Manual and several YouTube videos.
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For more IFNA Education News
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Family Nursing Knowledge Transfer Project in Taiwan: ICU Nurses Learn How to Offer Family Nursing Interventions to Families of Patients in ICU
Dr. Li-Chi Chiang (Taiwan) is conducting family nursing knowledge transfer research in which critical care nurses are learning to offer family nursing interventions to families of patients in ICU.
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IFNC13 Update: 388 abstract submissions from 27 countries were received; approximately 40 of these 388 agreed to present in Spanish, if accepted.
Coming in the next few weeks:
- Abstract acceptance notifications
- Pre- and post-conference tour options
- Hotel reservations on the IFNA website
- Conference registration on the IFNA website
Nominate a family nursing colleague today for the
2017 IFNA Awards
. In addition, the Distinguished Partner in Family Health Care Award recognizes non-IFNA members and individuals outside of the discipline of Nursing, including associations, corporations, or non-profit organizations who demonstrate sustained investment and excellence in advancing family focused health care.
Nomination deadline: January 30, 2017.
Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #familyhealth, #familyhealing,
#IFNAorg, #IFNC13, IFNC12
Thank you for advancing family nursing and for putting family health and healing at the center of all you do. Here's a wish for our global IFNA community in 2017:
"Seek out what magnifies your spirit...it's a beautiful phrase and a beautiful notion. Who are the people, ideas, and books that magnify your spirit? Find them, hold on to them, and visit them often. Use them not only as a remedy once spiritual malaise has already infected your vitality but as a vaccine administered while you are healthy to protect your radiance." ~Maria Popova,
10 Learnings from 10 Years of Brain Pickings
This monthly IFNA Newsletter is created by the
IFNA Communications Committee.