Lesson 306
We Weep When Idols Fall
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3 Seek not outside yourself. For it will fail, and you will weep each time an idol falls. Heaven cannot be found where it is not, and there can be no peace excepting there. Each idol that you worship when God calls will never answer in His place. There is no other answer you can substitute and find the happiness His answer brings. Seek not outside yourself. For all your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting where it must be found. What if it is not there? Do you prefer that you be right or happy? Be you glad that you are told where happiness abides and seek no longer elsewhere. You will fail. But it is given you to know the truth and not to seek for it outside yourself.         
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CHAPTER 29 VIII, 43-51
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
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Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
   Christ's Second Coming, which is sure as God,
   is merely the correction of mistakes
   and the return of sanity. It is
   a part of the condition which restores
   the never-lost, and re-establishes
   what is forever and forever true.
   It is the invitation to God's Word
   to take illusion's place; the willingness
   to let forgiveness rest upon all things
   without exceptions and without reserve.
   It is this all-inclusive nature of
   Christ's Second Coming that permits it to
   embrace the world, and hold you safe within
   its gentle advent, which encompasses
   all living things with you. There is no end
   to the release the Second Coming brings,
   as God's creation must be limitless.
   Forgiveness lights the Second Coming's way
   because it shines on everyone as well.
  *And thus is oneness recognized at last.
   *this line is not in Notes
   The Second Coming ends the lessons which
   the Holy Spirit teaches, making way
   for the Last Judgment, in which learning ends
   in one last summary which will extend
   beyond itself, and reaching up to God.
   The Second Coming is the time in which
   all minds are given to the hands of Christ,
   to be returned to Spirit in the Name
   of true creation and the Will of God.
   The Second Coming is the one event
   in time which time itself can not affect.
   For everyone who ever came to die,
   or yet will come or who is present now,
   is equally released from what he made.
   In this equality is Christ restored
   as one Identity, in Which all Sons
   of God acknowledge that they all are one.
   And God the Father smiles upon His Son,
   His one creation and His only joy.
   Pray that this Second Coming will be soon,
   but do not rest with that. It needs your eyes
   and ears and hands and feet. It needs your voice,
   and most of all it needs your willingness.
   Let us rejoice that we can do God's Will,
   and join together in Its holy light.
   Behold, the Son of God is one in us,
   and we can reach our Father's Love through him.
        ~ Original Hand Script  
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SonShip Workbook
L e s s o n 306
The gift of Christ is all I seek today.
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Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
   What but Christ's vision would I use today,
   when it can offer me a day in which
   I see a world so like to Heaven that
   an ancient memory returns to me?
   Today I can forget the world I made.
   Today I can go past all fear, and be
   restored to love and holiness and peace.
   Today I am redeemed and born anew
   into a world of mercy and of care;
   of loving kindness and the peace of God.
    And so, our Father, we return to You,
    remembering we never went away;
    remembering Your holy gifts to us.
    In gratitude and thankfulness we come,
    with empty hands and open hearts and minds,
    asking but what You give. We cannot make
    an offering sufficient for Your Son.
    But in Your Love the gift of Christ is his.
        ~ Original Handscript of ACIM  
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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections ACIM Edmonton, CA
The gift of Christ is all I seek today.

Sarah's Commentary:  
A Course in Miracles truly is a radical path. There is no grey area. Truth is true and nothing else is true. In this Lesson, we affirm that Christ is all I seek today. We are reminded that there is nothing else of value but to know our true Self. Separation is the decision not to know who we are. Now we choose to know the Self and to recognize that only what is eternal is worth seeking. Yet for most of us, there are still other things we seek. It is not helpful to feel guilty about this, but we simply need to acknowledge how much fear and resistance we have to the love, holiness, and peace that is our natural inheritance. Jesus tells us, "And if you find resistance strong and dedication weak, you are not ready. Do not fight yourself." (T.30.I.1.6-7) (ACIM OE T.30.II.2) Putting demands on ourselves is not helpful. Jesus never demands. All demands come from the ego. What is helpful to our journey through this Course is to trust the process. "You are perfectly safe as long as you are completely unconcerned about your readiness, but maintain a consistent trust in mine." (T.2.V.4.209) (ACIM OE T.2.III.64) With dedication and consistent practice, when you are ready, the truth will dawn on your mind.
Most of us still look outside of ourselves for happiness in the belief there are still things in the world that will complete us. We are not yet convinced that all we want to know is the Christ Self that we are. Our minds are split, and while we continue to follow this path and still seek outside of ourselves for completion, we will feel increasing conflict. Yet as we step more and more firmly on the path to awakening, we experience more and more peace until our desire for things to go our way increasingly falls away.
It is possible to attend to events in our day and continue to watch our thoughts so the events of the day can serve as a helpful backdrop to our awakening. As we go about our day, judgments, grievances, and perceived needs can all be given over to the Holy Spirit when we notice them arise in our minds. If we want a peace that can't be disturbed, no matter what is going on outside of us, a peace that is deep, quiet, and wholly changeless, and one that cannot be found in this world, we need the miracle to shift our perceptions. "In gratitude and thankfulness we come, with empty hands and open hearts and minds, asking but what You give." (W.306.2.2)
Every personal goal I have today is secondary to the primary purpose for the day. Our only purpose today is to "go past all fear, and be restored to love and holiness and peace." (W.306.1.3) In any situation where I find myself today, I will try to remember that it is the gift of Christ I seek in every encounter. It changes the kind of day we have if we can remember our purpose, regardless of what seems to be happening in our day. It is good practice to commit the mind to remembering purpose whenever fear arises in any form. We are called to remember that we will be "restored to love and holiness and peace" (W.306.1.3), when we go past all fear. It all depends on our willingness. There is nothing to seek. The love, holiness, and peace are already in us. Our fear and resistance keep us from being aware of our eternal condition.
Our own goals are based on the belief that there are things in the day that can bring us something we want. They are based on the illusion that we are in control of our lives. Yet events seem to just happen. We can't plan for what is given. We need to trust that everything happening in our lives provides the opportunity to continue to learn to forgive. Thus, everything is orchestrated for us, and by us, for our good. We will be much more willing to accept whatever shows up when our purpose is held firmly in the mind. Jesus tells us there is nothing we can offer ourselves that will ever substitute for the peace already in us.
"If you would be a happy learner, you must give everything you have learned to the Holy Spirit, to be unlearned for you." (T.14.II.6.1) (ACIM OE T.13.VII.61) This means that we must give him our judgments and misperceptions to be translated for us. When we hold firmly to our purpose, and when we are willing to trust that all things work together for good, we can stay focused on recognizing the ultimate good that can come out of any situation. It is not an intellectual perspective, but one we can actually apply in every circumstance, whatever it may be. It is to remember that the only truth is peace and love. The light is always with us and in us. Purification, as discussed in the Course, is letting go of what was never true so the light in us can shine forth. Purification is a necessary part of this process. "Miracles are everyone's right, but purification is necessary first." (T.1.I.7.1) (ACIM OE T.I.7)
When we describe a situation, we each see it from our own unique perspective. Yet the experience of Christ's vision is all the same. When we have the experience of Oneness, we have the experience of the only thing that is real and true, which will be experienced by everyone in the same way. We can "see a world so like to Heaven" (W.306.1.1) when we are completely willing to do so. It is there for us at this very moment. This experience of Heaven is the experience of the real world, which is described as a world of mercy and care, loving-kindness, and the peace of God. When we have this experience, we will remember that we never left. Then an ancient memory returns to us. This is the forgotten song, calling us to return home. "Listen,---perhaps you catch a hint of an ancient state not quite forgotten; dim, perhaps, and yet not altogether unfamiliar, like a song whose name is long forgotten, and the circumstances in which you heard completely unremembered." (T.21.I.6.1) (ACIM OE T.21.II.8) "And so, our Father, we return to You, remembering we never went away; remembering Your holy gifts to us." (W.306.2.1)
Today, I am grateful my way of seeing is wrong, and I turn to the Holy Spirit, asking for help to see through the eyes of Christ. I am grateful there is nothing to seek. The truth of what I am is already present in my mind. I am grateful for the willingness to do the work of uncovering the blocks to the truth I hold in my mind. I am grateful that I am patient with myself in this process, knowing I am using time for the purpose of healing. I am grateful for whatever shows up in my day, recognizing that it can all be used for healing. There is nothing good or bad about my day. I can be a happy learner, allowing it all to be used for healing purposes. I am grateful that I can look at my dark thoughts without judging myself for them, knowing they can be healed only when I am willing to bring awareness to them. I am grateful that I can always turn inward for inspiration because what I use for hate, the Holy Spirit uses for love. I am grateful that I can always rely on His Love within me. All power of our Creator is in each one of us. The gift of Christ is all I seek today.

Love and blessings, Sarah
[email protected] 

A Course in Miracles
ACIM Original Edition
Chapter Twenty Nine

The Awakening  
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CHAPTER 29 VIII, 43-51
Voice and Music by Martin Weber, CIMS SonShip Radio
VIII. The Lingering Illusion    
43 Seek not outside yourself. For it will fail, and you will weep each time an idol falls. Heaven cannot be found where it is not, and there can be no peace excepting there. Each idol that you worship when God calls will never answer in His place. There is no other answer you can substitute and find the happiness His answer brings. Seek not outside yourself. For all your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting where it must be found. What if it is not there? Do you prefer that you be right or happy? Be you glad that you are told where happiness abides and seek no longer elsewhere. You will fail. But it is given you to know the truth and not to seek for it outside yourself.
44 No one who comes here but must still have hope, some lingering illusion, or some dream that there is something outside of himself that will bring happiness and peace to him. If everything is in him, this cannot be so. And therefore by his coming, he denies the truth about himself and seeks for something more than everything, as if a part of it were separated off and found where all the rest of it is not. This is the purpose he bestows upon the body---that it seek for what he lacks and give him what would make himself complete. And thus he wanders aimlessly about in search of something that he cannot find, believing that he is what he is not.
45 The lingering illusion will impel him to seek out a thousand idols and to seek beyond them for a thousand more. And each will fail him, all excepting one; for he will die and does not understand the idol that he seeks is but his death. Its form appears to be outside himself. Yet does he seek to kill God's Son within and prove that he is victor over him. This is the purpose every idol has, for this the role that is assigned to it, and this the role that cannot be fulfilled.
46 Whenever you attempt to reach a goal in which the body's betterment is cast as major beneficiary, you try to bring about your death. For you believe that you can suffer lack, and lack is death. To sacrifice is to give up and thus to be without and to have suffered loss. And by this giving up is life renounced. Seek not outside yourself. The search implies you are not whole within and fear to look upon your devastation and prefer to seek outside yourself for what you are.
47 Idols must fall because they have no life, and what is lifeless is a sign of death. You came to die, and what would you expect but to perceive the signs of death you seek? No sadness and no suffering proclaims a message other than an idol found that represents a parody of life which in its lifelessness is really death, conceived as real and given living form. Yet each must fail and crumble and decay because a form of death cannot be life, and what is sacrificed cannot be whole.
48 All idols of this world were made to keep the truth within from being known to you and to maintain allegiance to the dream that you must find what is outside yourself to be complete and happy. It is vain to worship idols in the hope of peace. God dwells within, and your completion lies in Him. No idol takes His place. Look not to idols. Do not seek outside yourself. Let us forget the purpose of the world the past has given it. For otherwise, the future will be like the past and but a series of depressing dreams in which all idols fail you one by one, and you see death and disappointment everywhere.
49 To change all this and open up a road of hope and of release in what appeared to be an endless circle of despair, you need but to decide you do not know the purpose of the world. You give it goals it does not have, and thus do you decide what it is for. You try to see in it a place of idols found outside yourself, with power to make complete what is within by splitting what you are between the two. You choose your dreams, for they are what you wish, perceived as if it had been given you. Your idols do what you would have them do and have the power you ascribe to them. And you pursue them vainly in the dream because you want their power as your own.
50 Yet where are dreams but in a mind asleep? And can a dream succeed in making real the pictures it projects outside itself? Save time, my brothers; learn what time is for. And speed the end of idols in a world made sad and sick by seeing idols there. Your holy minds are altars unto God, and where He is, no idols can abide. The fear of God is but the fear of loss of idols. It is not the fear of loss of your reality. But you have made of your reality an idol which you must protect against the light of truth. And all the world becomes the means by which this idol can be saved. Salvation thus appears to threaten life and offer death.
51 It is not so. Salvation seeks to prove there is no death, and only life exists. The sacrifice of death is nothing lost. An idol cannot take the place of God. Let Him remind you of His love for you, and do not seek to drown His Voice in chants of deep despair to idols of yourself. Seek not outside your Father for your hope. For hope of happiness is not despair.
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