December 2016

Adventures in innovative ministry:
8 competencies and support structures that bi-vocational ministers need
Based on experience leading a nontraditional church plant and a financial literacy program for seminarians--simultaneously--a Fuller alum identifies what schools can do to better prepare students for bi-vocational callings. Read more. 
Managing in the middle
. . . or what do Revelation 21.1-6a and Augustine of Hippo have to do with long-range planning?
Administrators in theological education often find themselves in the middle. But in the middle of what? An academic dean reflects on the pivotal position of administration. Read more.  

Lori Neff LaRue to leave ATS for the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Neff LaRue will conclude her work with ATS on February 3. A search is underway for her successor. Read more.

"If we have data, let's look at data.  If all we have are our opinions, let's go with mine."
In the latest Data Matters blog post, accreditor Tom Tanner explains why paying attention to data matters in a membership organization.
Read more and subscribe.

Merry Christmas to all
from the staff at ATS!

ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.