The HKA Newsletter

Cheshvan/Kislev 5777 /
 December 2016

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FDA Recall
Sabra Dipping Company Issues Voluntary Recall of Certain Hummus Products Because of Possible Health Risks
Consumers with any product with a "best before" date up through January 23, 2017 are urged to discard it. consumers can find code and "best before" date on the lid of each package

Contact the HKA
About the HKA 
The Houston Kashruth Association is a member of the Association of Kashrus Organizations and is recognized and accepted by all national kashrut agencies. 
The HKA has provided quality kosher supervision to food establishments and manufacturers in Houston and throughout Texas for over 35 years.

HKA Rabbinic Council
Rabbi Yehoshua Wender 
HKA Rabbinic Council Chair
Young Israel of Houston
Rabbi Barry Gelman
United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston
Rabbi Daniel Masri
Congregation Beth Rambam
Rabbi Gidon Moskovitz
Meyerland Minyan
HKA Staff
Tzivia Weiss
Executive Director  

Rabbi Mark Urkowitz
Senior Rabbinic Administrator
Rabbi Nosson Dubin
Rabbinic Administrator

HKA Activities

The HKA supervises local restaurants, caterers, hotels, supermarkets, bakeries, manufacturing facilities, and other kosher establishments. The HKA also:
  • Researches and monitors new developments in the food industry
  • Conducts educational seminars for consumers and institutions about kosher
  • Supports a hotline to answer all kosher-related questions
  • Expands the availability of kosher food products in Houston
  • Produces the "Kosher Guide to Houston"

Join HKA and become more involved in all of our kosher efforts here in houston

We are pleased to announce that the HKA website has been completely redesigned.

We hope you find it user friendly and easy to navigate.

 Kosher Alerts 

Reminder: Belden Bakery Challahs are not Certified Kosher

Cosmopolitan Food Group No Longer Certified

Tahini - All Products, The Prince Tahina Manufacturers Ltd

Prince Tahini products bear an unauthorized OK symbol on the packaging. The company website also contains an unauthorized OK Passover symbol. This company and their products are NOT certified by OK Kosher certification. Corrective action is being taken.

Gefen Chulent Bean Mix

Some bags of Gefen brand Chulent Mix with the UPC# 710069035003 and with a Best By dates ranging from 8/18 to 10/18 were found to contain insects. The Orthodox Union and Gefen requested that possibly affected product should be withdrawn from the marketplace and corrective actions are being implemented. 
Under proper storage conditions, it is unusual to find infestation in these products sold in the United States. The kashrus procedures at Gefen meet the highest kashrus standards. However, consumers should be aware that legumes and grains could develop infestation when stored in warm conditions. To determine whether legumes or grains are possibly affected, spread them evenly on a white surface and visually inspect them under good light prior to use.

Kedem Foods

Kedem  Foods/Kenover Marketing has recalled all Gefen Cholent Mix and Gefen Cranberry Beans that bear a Best Buy date of 08 22 18 or later, due to instances of infestation (white colored worms). Recalled products may be returned to the place of purchase for a full refund.

 The Orthodox Union certifies Member's Mark Strawberry Tea Cakes as an OU D - Dairy product. Some labels were printed with a plain OU symbol, without the D - Dairy designation. Corrective actions have been implemented.

A limited amount of Setton Farms Crème Brûlée Mix mistakenly bears the OK symbol instead of the required OK-D symbol. 
This product contains dairy (as stated in the ingredient list) and is certified kosher dairy. Action Corrective action is being taken.

an unauthorized OU symbol
The Orthodox Union does not certify Kroger Canned Chopped Collard Greens and Canned Chopped Turnip Greens. Some labels were printed with an unauthorized OU symbol. Corrective measures are being implemented.

: The Orthodox Union does not certify Hannaford Frozen Spinach. Some packaging was printed with an unauthorized OU Symbol. Corrective actions are being implemented.