Warmest Wishes for the Holiday Season
Dear Metro DC PFLAG friends and family, 

As Director of Operations at Metro DC PFLAG, I regularly speak with concerned parents, confused parents, and proud Metro DC PFLAG moms and dads that volunteer and walk in the Capital Pride parade with us each year. Wherever they are in the spectrum of acceptance, all these parents have one thing in common: their love for their children and their desire for them to be safe, successful, and happy. So Metro DC PFLAG thanks all parents for being there for your children during this holiday season, and looks forward to providing support and guidance to many more parents in 2017. A parent's love is immeasurable and as I visit my parents this week for the holiday, I want to wish you all the best! 

Jesus Chavez
Director of Operations
Happy Holidays!
Thank you for making 2016 a great year!
 Join Metro DC PFLAG's membership or 
 make a donation during this season of giving.