Mike Duffy's Personal Training January 2017

If you are concerned with your cholesterol levels and want to lower them naturally within six short weeks we have the perfect program. Please take a look at the testimonials below from other Monmouth/Ocean County people just like you who have joined our program and received lower cholesterol numbers through proper nutrition and exercise.
Everyone is different and not everyone needs to eat the same to get great results. This is where our program differs from the others. We have 9 Certified Holistic Lifestyle coaches to guide you to a healthier, happier, leaner version of yourself in only 6 short weeks. No pills, powders or gimmicks, just proper whole food nutrition and exercise.
We hope to see you getting healthy with us.
Mike Duffy
Mike Duffy's Personal Training
Cholesterol down 43 Points & Triglycerides down over 200 Points!
Read about Mike's story click here

Mike Savin of Toms River contacted me back in June of 2016 to help him lose weight but more importantly to bring down his cholesterol and Triglycerides. He had just received a poor blood test report from his doctor and he was worried about his health. Mike had been working out all the time on his own but that was not the answer. He needed to improve his nutrition. 8 weeks later after being on the Body Fat Challenge nutrition plan he had amazing improvements in his blood test results. He dropped his total cholesterol by 43 points and his triglycerides dropped over 200 points all by just changing his nutrition. Mike didn't starve, he ate foods he liked and learned how to eat for the rest of his life.He is happy with his results and is on the road to a healthier life.
Cholesterol Down 43 Points in Only 5 Weeks!

Maria Burns (right) pictured with her personal trainer and nutrition counselor Tiffany Florio dropped 43 points off her total cholesterol of which 41 were from her LDL's in only 5 weeks. Maria adhered to our Nutrition Plan and training hard. Not only is she losing weight but more importantly she is getting healthy. Great job Maria and Tiffany.
Cholesterol 45 points lower in 6 weeks, 16 lbs down while eating eggs and red meat!
Laura Nolan
Read about Laura's Story Click Here
Laura Nolan used to feel sluggish, have trouble sleeping at night and was worried about her cholesterol. Her doctor recommended she hire a nutritionist but when that did not work out she hired us to help her. We provided her with a nutrition plan that was right for her,
it might not be right for you and I but perfect for her. Some of the information was against popular belief but backed by proper research. 6 weeks later Laura feels energetic, is sleeping through the night and is down 16lbs (25 fats lbs!).
Most importantly, her cholesterol reading was down 45 points after only 6 weeks of training and a proper nutrition plan. If you are interested in obtaining lifelong health and well being you should give the most experienced Monmouth County Personal Trainers a call or consider entering our upcoming 6 Week Winter Body Fat Challenge which is what Laura did!

Client drops 44 points on Cholesterol Test in 8 weeks!
Dan Batista
Read about Dan's Story
Click Here
"I signed up and with the help of Mike Duffy, Jess and Brian (the two best trainers in the world), in 5 1/2 weeks, I lost 18 lbs of fat and gained 12 lbs of muscle...These guys are the real deal. Mike, Jess and Brian have been me there for me, 24/7. They support me, motivate me, push me and continually teach me...basically, they are always in my face, making sure I achieve my goals.
I have learned to look at food and exercise differently and I am confident that I will continue with my progress, which is equally important. Mike was right, you can imagine how my results have improved the quality of my life!
"  2 1/2 weeks later Dan texted me a text message to let us know that he had dropped 44 points on his cholesterol test after 8 weeks on our program. You can have control over your health so get with the program and Click Here!

Over 50 lbs Down, Diabetes and Cholesterol Under Control!
Mike Colicchio
Read about Mike's Story Click Here
In October of 2013 Mike Colicchio hired me to be his nutrition coach. Mike weighed 268 lbs with Type II Diabetes with High Cholesterol. After about 8 weeks Mike was down 32 lbs and informed me that
"I am no longer a diabetic and my cholesterol is under control." Mike also vowed continue and get to his goal weight of 218lbs. I later received a text from Mike informing me "I weighted 215 this morning. Down over 50 lbs. I bought size 34 Guess jeans today. I was wearing 42 stretch for the big and tall (fat man) store."
If you would like to join Mike in the pursuit to a healthier, leaner version of yourself click here .
Thank you for taking the time to read this email. We take your health seriously and we would never recommend stopping any medication WITHOUT your Doctor's permission. We realize that this is your doctor's and your decision. What we like to hear and we do hear it often is, "my doctor said I can stop taking my medication because my blood work came back fantastic!" Help yourself and your doctor by following a safe and effective exercise and nutrition plan.
Mike Duffy's Personal Training
52 Monmouth Road
Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755

Mike Duffy's Personal Training
147 Markham Place
Little Silver, New Jersey 07739

Website: mikeduffyspt.com 
A 41 Point Drop in Cholesterol

"Thanks everyone! I actually shared this post to say thank you to Mike and CarolAnn Duffy and their crew. I went into this 6 week challenge not necessarily for weight loss but to get myself back on track nutritionally.......after life beats you down the first thing to go for me at least was diet and exercise. I have been at Duffy's for 5 years now and it has been life changing for me. I knew entering the 6 week challenge was what I needed to pull me back on the rails. I recommend anyone and everyone interested in changing their health to join this 6 week program.
I have seen my cholesterol drop from 240 to 199. Duffy's holistic nutrition plan is key and completely unmatched and honestly both his clubs (Little Silver and Oakhurst) feel like second homes to me. Everyone there is amazing! Thanks Mike Duffy!"

Allison Hagerman, Ocean Township
Huge Drop in Triglycerides & Total Cholesterol

Joanne Goldfine joined our 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program which uses the same Nutrition Plan as our 6 Week Body Fat Challenge. Joanne followed the program for 4 weeks when she went for a follow up blood test.Joanne was pleased to tell me that her
triglycerides went from 323 down to 168! Her
total cholesterol also went down 50 points! Not bad for 4 weeks of clean eating. You can control your own health people! Thanks for sharing Joanne!
How to Control Cholesterol Without Drugs

We have found that eating the right types of foods in the right amounts at the right time is extremely important. We have also found that different people will respond to different nutrition plans. Some people do great on the vegetarian type diet while others do great on an Atkins type while others do fine somewhere in between. We use 6 "Keys" to help our clients figure this out. These 6 "Keys" have help thousands of people lose weight and improve their health over the past 18 years.
Monday evening, September 12th at 6pm in Dean's Natural Food Market in Shrewsbury Mike Duffy will be giving a FREE lecture on the 6 Keys to Healthy Weight Loss. There are the same keys that have helped Mike, Laura, Dan, Mike and Joanne all lower their Cholesterol 43, 44, 45 and 50 points in a short period of time.
We would like to invite you to this seminar as our guest. If you cannot make the seminar Monday evening September 12th Mike will be repeating his 6 Keys to Healthy Weight Loss the following day, September 13th at 6pm in our Oakhurst location..

We  would like to share the follow excellent articles on Cholesterol & Fats with you: