100 for 100
Dear Members & Friends of YRS,

It's been said that we are all individual drops of water, but when we gaze at the ocean we gain insight into how powerful and capable we can be when we come together.
Our recent 42nd Annual YRS Conference was a reflection of the effort and work of our volunteers and members resulting in a wonderful and inspiring weekend experience for which we are grateful. 
With that in mind we share with you that the Yoga Research Society has been offered a generous anonymous matching contribution of $10,000, as incentive to raise an additional $10,000. In order to raise those funds we're introducing "100 for 100," with the goal of having one hundred members and friends of YRS contribute $100 each (or another amount) to reach that $10,000 threshold and trigger the matching donation.

Each year since 1975 we've planned and presented our Conference.  We added Medical Yoga as a spring event beginning in 1999.  We have all enjoyed the fruits of YRS programs, the gracious teaching and inspiration of Dr. Pratap and periodic other events over the past forty plus years.  We have worked very hard to keep program costs to a minimum and both the Conference and Medical Yoga are examples of the goal to keep the price of these events with world class presenters financially accessible to all. 
This is an opportunity to support YRS in a way that we hope you can embrace with your tax deductible contribution.
It is easy to make your gift online by clicking on the donate link or send a check in the mail payable to:
Yoga Research Society
341 Fitzwater Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
We also welcome you to contact us if you'd like to discuss or have any questions... by phone at 215-592-9642 or email us at yrs@yogaresearchsociety.com.

Dr. Vijayendra Pratap-YRS Conference-November 20, 2016
Dr. V. Pratap-YRS Conference-Nov. 20, 2016

We thank you for your support of our YRS community and wish you happiness, health and peace for the coming year.
Marc Goldberg
Yoga Research Society
Don't wait!  Click on the link to contribute now and join "100 for 100."