"Look deep, deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better
." -  Albert Einstein 

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upcoming events

Jefferson County Conservation District Native Plant Workshop

Dec. 9th, 9am - 12pm

Bingo at Hilltop Tavern
It's almost here!
Every Wednesday in January, from 7-9pm

Questions? Contact  Olivia
Opting Outside this Black Friday?
Check out these fun outdoor activites!

Look for fish at the Jefferson Land Trust's  Illahee preserve . Walk along the creek at HJ Carroll Park. Head down to Irondale Beach. Get a peak at the  newly planted dunegrass at the old 3 Crabs restaurant site. Be sure to bring your binoculars and check out the birds along the way!

Maynard Update

On a recent visit to the Maynard nearshore planting site, we found a mother Pacific Madrone tree spreading several thriving Madrona babies! Great news as this tree can be a tricky one to survive transplant.
Holiday Giving

Shopping for loved ones?
Shop at smile.amazon.com and select "North Olympic Salmon Coalition" to donate 0.5% of your purchase to NOSC.

You can also purchase our NOSC bra nded gear (t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts) by calling 360.379.8051 or stopping by our office Monday through Thursday between 9 and 11am. (We will be closed the week of Thanksgiving.)

Want to give the gift of membership?
You can purchase a membership for someone you know! Just click here.

Sick and tired of Holiday socks?
If you aren't the biggest fan of grandma's annual tie selection, you might ask families and loved ones to make a tax deductible donation to the Salmon Colaition instead.  Your funds would go towards realizing our mission to promote robust wild salmon stocks for families, fishers and local economies by furthering habitat restoration and education on the North Olympic Peninsula. If you wish to donate in someone's name, or ask someone to donate in your name, please click or copy and paste the following  link: 
Please be sure to write in the "Comments" section that this is a gift donation and for whom you are donating. You may also specify where you would like the gift receipt sent.

We Are Thankful for Those Who Keep Us Running

7th grade students in Clallam County will be able to participate in our Real Learning, Real Work environmental engineering program this spring due to a generous grant of $5,000 from WA Field STEM. We are now a third of the way to our $16,000 goal for educational funds in Clallam County this school year.

Salmon Surveys
Summer Chum Numbers

Graph shows live count of individual adult chum during weeks 1 through 10 of the survey season. The table on the right shows total count by year. Graph courtesy of Cheri Scalf, WDFW.

Summer chum surveys at Chimacum Creek came to a close for the season and the data is currently being processed by WDFW. The current total of live salmon this year is approximately 2,300 adult spawners, making this year the second highest run since the end of the broodstock program.

Now, On To Coho!
5 groups of volunteers have begun surveying Chimacum Creek and its tributaries for returning coho salmon. According to WDFW, there has been an increase in spawning activity this past week, and several of our volunteers are already seeing both redds and spawning fish.

3 Crabs Project Update

Photo courtesy of Lindsey Aspelund.

Last Saturday, November 19th, 30 excited volunteers braved the wind and cold to view the nearly finished 3 Crabs restoration site and plant dunegrass in the footprint of the old Three Crabs Restaurant. Salmon will once again be served at the Restaurant Site! A boon for juvenile salmon, the beach, wetlands and lagoon on the site will serve up abundant invertebrates for the main course. Already we have seen adult coastal cutthroat and young steelhead plying the restored waterways on the hunt for food and cover.
In the coming month, the new road on the project site will open to traffic. The old road, Meadowbrook Creek bridge, and powerlines along it will be removed. (New power is underground, out of site and out of flyways.) This will be the final chapter in the restoration construction project. After that, nature's forces will work the slate we leave behind. The marsh will seed and emerge while the sharp edges of machine dug channels and lagoons are wiped away by the comings and goings of the tide.

Volunteer Spotlight
Rachel Rogge and Andrew Recher from Pens and Beetles Studios

When and how were you first introduced to the North Olympic Salmon Coalition?
Over the years, while visiting family in Port Townsend, we would see the NOSC mascot Fin at various events. Also, while driving through Chimacum, we noticed all those blue tubes protecting new plants along the creek. We knew these were both associated with a local salmon habitat restoration group, but that was about as far as it went. Then we moved to the area in 2015, and this past summer, we saw the ad in The Leader seeking volunteers to count summer chum and thought it sounded interesting.
In what ways are you involved in volunteering for the Salmon Coalition, and why do you volunteer?
This was our first year volunteering for counting summer-run chum salmon. We've also volunteered our services to the group to create illustrations, graphics and design work. We had already started doing the volunteer work of counting summer chum, but after attending the annual meeting, we were impressed with NOSC's work and decided to not only join, but also offer to donate our services.
We initially decided to volunteer because it sounded like a great opportunity to learn about local natural history, see more of the area, and maybe meet some new people, since we were new to the community. 
You have a background in science and biology illustration. How do you think this has influenced your desire to work with the Salmon Coalition?
While we've both studied art and science fairly extensively, we rarely get the opportunity to participate in or observe actual scientific field work. Our work mostly entails developing visual content for higher level education texts and is primarily a 9-5 desk job. We're both very interested in natural history (bird-watching, hiking, and exploring) and felt that volunteering would offer an opportunity not only to experience a very special natural history event that happens practically in our own backyard, but also to participate in "citizen science". These things make us better illustrators, better at science communication, and better community members.
Do you think others could benefit from volunteering for wild salmon habitat restoration initiatives?
Absolutely! From our perspective, it gives us a break from office work and we've been introduced to a number of interesting and friendly community members. We have family members who have lived in the area for over 20 years, and had never seen the salmon running. We've been able to share this amazing phenomenon with them, and it's a wonderful thing!
How important are salmon to you and why?
The recovery of salmon runs is inspirational. We've learned so much from observing salmon this year. The realization that their water is our water, and vice-versa, reinforces that we are a part of the ecosystem around us and that's a pretty important lesson.
Do you have a favorite memory from volunteering with us?
All of the days we surveyed were memorable, but the day that we walked the middle section of the creek, when we counted over 1,000 live chum salmon was pretty special. During surveys we've seen herons, ravens, and dippers; tracks on the banks left by otters and deer; and really cool mosses, lichens and fungi.
Is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers?
We started Pens and Beetles Studios in 2005. We draw, paint, and illustrate science textbooks, periodicals, and children's books. We're always looking for interesting new projects. You can find our contact information at
and examples of more current work at 

North Olympic Salmon Coalition

Community Partnerships, Collaborative Restoration
